X-Men Origins: Wolverine

To not confuse people they may go with Logan but if they want to stay true to the comic they should use James!

I think so....because the general public...especially after the X men trilogy, now knows him as Logan...so they wouldnt want to diminish the popularity
What do you guys think of Jenny Mcarthy as Emma Frost! Without the Humor of course!

She's beautiful, funny, smart, opinionated and from Chicago! I like her but I don't think I've ever seen her do any straight drama.

You know, we almost had Sigourney Weaver as Emma Frost for X-Men 3 when it was centered around the Dark Phoenix and the Hellfire Club. Then Bryan Singer left, Brett Ratner entered and we all know how that turned out.:(
You know, we almost had Sigourney Weaver as Emma Frost for X-Men 3 when it was centered around the Dark Phoenix and the Hellfire Club. Then Bryan Singer left, Brett Ratner entered and we all know how that turned out.:(

When Emma Frost was first introduced, my immediate impression was the artist was very influenced by (couch ripped off cough;-) Diana Rigg's Emma Peel's appearance in the Hellfire Club episode the The Avengers TV series.
Why so pessimistic? Let the movie come out first. I think Zack Snyder will do a good job. 300 was very good.

well there's a difference between 300 and watchmen. Frank Miller obviously has an eye for film and he's worked on several movie projects and you can see the big difference between the movie's based on his comics that he worked on (sin city, 300) and the one's that he didn't have anything to do with (daredevil, elektra).

I think that when it comes to Watchmen and DC, creator Alan Moore has been pretty screwed over, and if Synder really cared about keeping true to the legacy of the comic, then he would respect the wishes of it's creator which is to not make it into a movie.

From the look of the previews it looks like it's big on flashy special effects and not so much on plot. I also think that like V for Vendetta, it's a story that captures the spirit of it's time and that trying to change the context to appeal to the modern will lose what it's meant to be.
PS. speaking of miller, to a little bit less of a degree the same thing can be said for his Dark Knight Returns. I just don't think that would work as a movie. and it's sequel confirmed that for me.

But, to bring this back to topic, can you imagine if he was doing a Wolverine movie? that would be pretty damn awesome.


Postal Paranoiac
I think so....because the general public...especially after the X men trilogy, now knows him as Logan...so they wouldnt want to diminish the popularity

Doesn't matter. He changed his name to Logan after he left home to hide his identity. Then he got amnesia, so he wouldn't know who the hell he is anyway. If someone who only knew him after his name change called him "Logan" he'd just take their word for it. He had no clue in the trilogy what his REAL name is.


Postal Paranoiac
I just rewatched the trailer. At 1:37 you see Wolverine as a boy with his claws out. That answers the questions of A) Would they follow the origin story in the comic about his being born with retractable bone claws, and B) We already know--in keeping with the movies--that he gets his adamantium fusion much later. Later in the vid you do indeed see a child who looks a lot like a young Storm(?).
I think it will do well. I love Frank Miller so I will go see it but I didn't read the comic. I am currently trying to get through The Watchmen right now and I am in love I just started chapter 7 today.

I never read the comic, but I am curious to see it. The Watchmen is amazing! My friend lent it to me earlier this yr, and i fucking loved it!


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
My question is, who's the kid frozen in the ice? Don't remember him from the comics at all.

And out of curiosity, how old is Gambit supposed to be? Unless he ages slowly he'd be like in his mid 40s by the 20 year gap the movies have between each other. I can see Deadpool getting his mask once his body becomes scarred though.