Gears of War (duh)
Call of Duty 2 & 3 (good but not great)
GRAW (good game, but errors let it down)
GRAW 2 (awesome game, but too easy)
Rainbow Six: Vegas
FarCry Instincts: Predator (2 games for the price of one)
Quake 4 (could have been better, especially when you're strogged)
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (after 92 hours I was done)
Dead or Alive 4 (Kasumi's cyber ninja bitch, damn you!!)
Bullet Witch (underrated)
Perfect Dark Zero (underrated)
Crackdown (good, lots of shit to blow up, dull ending)
Condemned (play it at night, wear a nappy)
FEAR (utter shit, worst game I ever played on 360, great demo though!)
Ninety Nine Nights (fantastic game, kill in the thousands!)
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (boring).
Looking forward to The Darkness and Hour of Victory.