I thought Mysterio was so on tonight, why do they do this crap with A Ry, it makes the Mizz look very week,
Yea true, I've said it before and I'll say it again, WWE NEEDS a badass heel character. It sucks that every heel has to be a pussy that relies on his group or sidekick to win a match, just look at Miz, Del Rio, who sometimes relies on his ring announcer, and C.M. Punk who relies on the Nexus.
I remember the days of Brock Lesnar when he fucked up Zach Gowen and other people and he went into Summerslam 03 with this intensity against Kurt Angle and it was these 2 epic guys, one was good and one was bad, not one was a superhero and one is a pussy who only wins matches by cheating or interference, and they went and had this bad ass match, well Vince interfered but it didn't really matter cause he wasn't strictly with Lesnar. Kane, HHH (pre-evolution), The Rock, Big Show, Orton (when he was the legend killer), Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Jericho, and a bunch of others have been heels without being complete pussies, but they're hasn't been any good, new heels that WWE is creating.
Also, from what I saw on the Smackdown! replay on Raw, it looks to me like Christian is going to be WWE's new heel, this is good news for me at least, I loved C squared as a heel, hopefully he"ll be a good heel who just gets heat from talking shit to the fans and not by being a complete pussy and having a sidekick.