"Not giving a shit about the business" is weak. The man is on a limited dates contract for a big truckload of money, because the company wanted him back badly so he was able to negotiate a good deal. GOOD FOR HIM. He risks his health for our entertainment every time he gets in the ring just like every other pro wrestler, whether he wrestles three matches a year or three hundred, so the fact he's a "special attraction" doesn't matter a jot to me. Do I want him every week on Raw wrestling Kofi Kingston to the point of nausea and becoming just another guy? No, I fucking don't. WrestleMania is preserved as special because it has talents on it that don't turn up every week on free TV, and Brock Lesnar showing up is a big deal because it doesn't happen every day, regardless of what I think of him as an-ring talent. In terms of what the guy gives, he bumped like crazy in his very first match back with Cena, and he flew around when he let Big Show threw him out of the ring in an angle (not even a match) in the build up to the Royal Rumble. The guy gives it EVERYTHING every time he has to enter a physical appearance in a way that I think only Ziggler does on the full-time roster. Don't tell me Brock Lesnar doesn't care about wrestling or wrestling fans, he takes some nutty bumps trying to make his performance leave an impression. The fact the guys get in the ring and make the effort is enough giving a shit for me, I don't need everyone to care so much about the business they kills themselves for it like Chris Benoit did.
I reckon most of the complaining is just sandy vagina over the fact that it was Brock and not CM Punk. And it find it hilarious that the winner of a match is being ragged on for only having three PPV matches a year when the guy he beat has been only having one for the last four calendar years. I also don't understand how people justify calling Lesnar's ending the streak "pointless" when it does something for Lesnar's future standing (and ability to draw $$$) when the only point to letting him retire with it intact would have been sentiment. You can't make any money off sentiment, and since they already sold a "20-0" DVD, they were never going to make "22-0" if he knew he was knackered and this was his last hurrah. Always go out on your back. Really wish he'd lost to Angle in 2006 as he wanted, so we wouldn't have to read everyone's PMS over it. Although it is making me slightly PMSL.
You'd have thought the smarks would be in heaven with The Shield and Cesaro winning big and Danny Bry basically running the show from start to finish..... but no, if they don't get it ALL their own way, let's take to Twatter and complain about how we're never watching the show again. My arse. I kind of hope Hunter wins the belts tonight to REALLY piss on their chips.