Got to agree with the Cena match a bit. It was actually a great match but watching it, the Eve match and then Orton destroying the 3-Man-Band was like watching a one hour seminar on "How to Bury The Up & Coming Talent".
I thought the Eve match was great for Kaitlyn. Eve ran from her. That makes it look like she could take the title. Given how weak the division is, I expect her to soon.
As for 3MB, they're comedy heels. They're doing the right thing... for now. Just getting matches with the likes of Orton and Sheamus on TV is a step up from where they were 3 months ago. If they stay over, give it a few weeks and they'll catch a win over an International Airstrike or Kofi & partner-of-the-week. Then they're ready for a title shot soon, again, if they stay over. It's a shame for 3MB that there are Rhodes Scholars AND the Prime Time Players ahead of them in the heel team pecking order, and a shame for all three teams that the Outlaws reportedly aren't going to be used as a team on TV. It would have been a real shot in the arm for any one of those teams to get to beat such tag team legends in front of the world.
But Cena/Ziggler.... yeah. Ziggler will be World Heavyweight Champion soon, but if he can't beat John Cena - who was by himself - even with a ref bump and help from Ryblack, then why should we take him seriously?
I hadn't watched the show for a couple of weeks (since Langston's debut) but it was encouraging to see Cena's obsession with scat has made a comeback.... NOT. :/