after reading this article ( my question for everyone is do you think Dwayne The Crock Johnson should compete in match before WM28? i say he should. they could build on a story with it where at first doesn't then have Cena bring up the fact that he's competing and gonna be ready for WM when the Crock is is gonna have ring rust, Dwayne shrugs it off like he always does every time someone calls him out. Then CM Punk calls him out. Then Orton, Morrison, Swagger, Miz and everyone else on the roster calling Dwayne out and complain that Dwayne is supposed to be in the main event when they are busting their ass week in and week out trying to earn their WM main event spot. Building a story where everyone starts turning on The Crock would be interesting. storylines aside, my issue is why would i pay $50 for a ppv to see a guy that left WWE for a hollywood career beat a guy who busts his ass for the company everyday, then leave and go back to his precious hollywood career and never be seen again for another 7 years while John Cena continues to bust his ass for the WWE. thats just my personal feeling on it.