Despite several erroneous reports circulating on the Internet, has not cancelled Byte This! Additionally, the producer of the weekly webcast has not been fired, and the Heart Throbs were not released specifically for their performance on the show. Byte This! is currently on hiatus and is being reconceived as part of a new slate of digital content to be unveiled soon. Stay logged on to for more information on the new Byte This! as it becomes available.
<b>Note from us:</b> As noted last week (and we still stand by this), WWE management was not happy with Byte This several weeks ago when The Heart Throbs appeared. The show went way off-topic. The Heart Throbs release was a combination of lack of creative ideas and the appearance on the show. The shows producer was nearly let go from his job (may have even been suspended) due to the shows content two weeks ago. also never put an archive of the show up on its website. The shows future was in major doubt last week and an agreement must have been made this week. This is WWE's way of covering up the story.
As things stand right now, Stacy Keibler is expected to return to WWE and is still under contract. It's not likely she'll stay with the company very long due to the many offers she'll be getting after Dancing With The Stars. We'll have to wait and see though.