HHH return was expected as the heavy rumor was him facing 'Taker at Mania with possibly HBK as the referee. The stipulation is rumored to be, also, Streak vs. Career!
The return of the Taker and staredown with HHH was just bizarre. Kind of disappointing, really.
Also glad Christian returned at Elimination Chamber! Maybe it sets up a 3-way at Mania for the World Title with ADR and Edge.
The most likely outcome will be 'Taker winning so that HHH can move into the office without having the is he coming back question coming up. The only way it makes sence to end the streak is to give someone a final push into main events.
What's with all the hate?
All the current young wrestlers are not entertaining/lack charisma/boring or just pathetic characters. In 1 month you get the Rock/HHH/Undertaker all back, these are the characters that the fans still hold a spot for in the hearts, when they talk, people listen, when they fight, people watch, etc.
Yet all everyone does is bitch and complain that they are back, "oh why do we need to see these old guys again, cmon get hurt and retire for good already'', etc. But damn, all the memorable matches, all the greatest moments you can think of since u were a WWF/WWE fan, I beat that either Rock/HHH or Undertaker wouldv'e been apart of them (Austin/HBK/Angle, maybe Lesnar would be the other mentions imo).
I remember WM17, and the HHH/Taker match was awesome, the epic chokeslam, sledgehammer during last ride, the promo's/build up etc, it was great. I would much rather watch them two fight it out again (obviously Taker will win, but still will be an exciting match), then see matches with Edge/Del someone and Miz/Cena. I mean really, I think the injection of the older stars would the reason alot of fans will actually watch this years WM, because imagine it without them... Wow what an empty lineup of nothing that would be.
I have a question about the "Smackdown vs Raw 2011" video game. In the "Road to Wrestlemania" mode, I am controlling Christian, and I am in the last ECW match before I have to go to Smackdown. Is there a way to keep my ECW title that I am defending and stop Dolph Ziggler from interfering in the match???
What's with all the hate?
All the current young wrestlers are not entertaining/lack charisma/boring or just pathetic characters. In 1 month you get the Rock/HHH/Undertaker all back, these are the characters that the fans still hold a spot for in the hearts, when they talk, people listen, when they fight, people watch, etc.
Yet all everyone does is bitch and complain that they are back, "oh why do we need to see these old guys again, cmon get hurt and retire for good already'', etc. But damn, all the memorable matches, all the greatest moments you can think of since u were a WWF/WWE fan, I beat that either Rock/HHH or Undertaker wouldv'e been apart of them (Austin/HBK/Angle, maybe Lesnar would be the other mentions imo).
I remember WM17, and the HHH/Taker match was awesome, the epic chokeslam, sledgehammer during last ride, the promo's/build up etc, it was great. I would much rather watch them two fight it out again (obviously Taker will win, but still will be an exciting match), then see matches with Edge/Del someone and Miz/Cena. I mean really, I think the injection of the older stars would the reason alot of fans will actually watch this years WM, because imagine it without them... Wow what an empty lineup of nothing that would be.
When does No Face debuts?