Believe me, it could've been so much lamer.
I remember WM17....and the build up. One of HHH's best feuds ever....and it happened before he was in every-single-world-title-storyline for waaaaayyyyy toooooo looonnnggg!!!!

Now, I AM getting WM this year....but starting to get a feel like The Rock coming back...Trish Stratus doing Tough ENough...'Taker vs HHH (uhhhh, I guess HHH forgave Sheamus for putting him on the shelf for so long?!?!?!?) it all needed because the "Main Events" are...well....weak at best.

Cena vs The Miz (Sorry, like him, but too early for him to headline WM)
Edge vs Del Rio (WAAAAAYYYYYY too early for him to headline WM!!!!)

And after Cena's mic work in response to Rock???? UGH! Makes it even more painful that it isn't Rock vs Cena!!!! THAT would be like "Rock vs Hogan II". I'm way more interested in that than Cena vs The Mizzzzzzzzzzzzzz (snore!).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Cena's shoot to be excruciating to sit through. I mean, he tries. Oh, bob help him, he does try...
i was watching the 2-21-11 reveal and when HHH got to the ring and they were face to face i told my sister in some form or another someone will point to the WM sign and signify that they should fight each other. well after ZERO talk and them doing their best mime impersonation .... they did the "look" at the WM sign and my sister looked at me and said "wow this is truely boring,why dont they do a talking promo it would have been better!" and then she walked out
Cena's promo wasn't bad, that's the Cena I want back. The rest of RAW was lame. All that build up for 2/21/11 and that's what we got?:facepalm:

I agree. If cena went back to his his pre-PG character, i would not hate him. And, yes the rest of the show was crap. I could care less about HHH vs Taker WM II. They had a great match yrs ago, but i don't think they can again.

and, i why the fuck would anyone wanna see Cole vs. King, much less at WM?! That match will suck balls. Oh, and hate that feud. and, i hate both of them, so...
After the last 2-21-11 Promo, I can't see it being anyone but The Undertaker. If Sting shows up, I'll shit my shorts and give the last so many posters rep.

Well, I guess no one's getting rep...even better, no shit in my shorts!
But seriously, I agree with all of ya'll. :why:
Undertaker vs Sting would have been WAY better at Wrestlemania, and would have been a good way for one of those guys to retire. Triple H...Uhh! I'd rather see his wife on TV then him. He is past his prime and maybe one more injury might take him out for good. Thumbs down on should have spent the money to get Sting, even if it was only for a short time.
:2 cents:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Three weeks ago: HOLY SHIT what was that? Was that Sting? Dude, it fucking HAD to be! They wouldn't do that for the Undertaker! Holy shit, wrestling is exciting again!

Two weeks ago: No, no, that's ok. It's probably just a ruse by WWE. They know we all think it is Sting and they just want to throw us a curveball. It'll all work out, trust me...

One week ago: Seriously? All this hype for Undertaker? What's the point? Did anyone else see the person standing outside the cabin window? There's still hope... hopefully...

Well, I guess no one's getting rep...even better, no shit in my shorts!
But seriously, I agree with all of ya'll. :why:
Undertaker vs Sting would have been WAY better at Wrestlemania, and would have been a good way for one of those guys to retire. Triple H...Uhh! I'd rather see his wife on TV then him. He is past his prime and maybe one more injury might take him out for good. Thumbs down on should have spent the money to get Sting, even if it was only for a short time.
:2 cents:

I agree, these days since WWE is PG, Sting doesn't want to work a full WWE schedule. At least that's what his close friends are saying. Vince should have given him what ever he wanted because an Undertaker vs. Sting match at Wrestlemania would have been THE match that sold it. I mean what the hell, if Bret Hart can work a light as hell schedule then so could Sting. They missed a huge opportunity with this one because the Wrestlemania card is not very exciting.

The only other two matches that I think would have sold Wrestlemania are Rock vs. Cena (that's not gonna happen) and Undertaker vs. Cena (but that means Cena would have to take a loss).