I wish it was Sting though, would help break up the monotonous TV WWE puts out each week. Perhaps I only feel this way having loved wrestling since the late 80's through to 2000 or so.

Bringing in someone like Sting would make me watch more regularly, a feud between Taker and Sting would be off the chain! Makes me think, why the hell WWE haven't been more proactive in trying to sign Sting, even if he only works TV dates for a year and PPV's!!

Amen!! I think heel Undertaker and babyface Sting would be awesome. They could do all the supernatural stuff (even if most of it is corny).
that was a pretty cool intro for Sting

how awful was WCW that they brought in michael buffer for introductions like that would peak the fans to watch!!:facepalm:
and Hogan weighing in @ 275???? STOP iT!

coolest thing i remember... the 1st time sting came to the ring as this crow character and had the bat and the NWO was facing off against him, he flipped the bat and handed it to i think Nash and turned his back DARING him to use the bat on him! they dropped the bat and fled the ring.
so much for this return .... it will be sad if it is for the out of shape taker that we have been seeing.... Hope it is for someone else...

Hope they drop the story that they have Gail kim in now and give her a better story....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Wrestlemania goes to New York every 10 years at Madison Square Garden. Expect Wrestlemania 30 to be there.

What he said.

You missed the point entirely. Unless WrestleMania XXIX is held in the north (and I'm betting it will be held in Dallas because WWE loves to follow wherever the Super Bowl goes and beat its attendance), that will be one out of six WrestleManias that are held in the Southern States. They need to take it somewhere else and let other fans experience the event.
You missed the point entirely. Unless WrestleMania XXIX is held in the north (and I'm betting it will be held in Dallas because WWE loves to follow wherever the Super Bowl goes and beat its attendance), that will be one out of six WrestleManias that are held in the Southern States. They need to take it somewhere else and let other fans experience the event.

i have experienced it live! in Philly a few few years back.
undertaker v boss man was probably the worst match i have ever seen in my life. and i think i was 1 of like 10 people in that arena who wanted the Rock to win the match and not Sone Cold
that was a pretty cool intro for Sting

how awful was WCW that they brought in michael buffer for introductions like that would peak the fans to watch!!:facepalm:
and Hogan weighing in @ 275???? STOP iT!

coolest thing i remember... the 1st time sting came to the ring as this crow character and had the bat and the NWO was facing off against him, he flipped the bat and handed it to i think Nash and turned his back DARING him to use the bat on him! they dropped the bat and fled the ring.

Wow. Don't take it the wrong way, but I think that was the first time I read something halfway positive from you, instead of 'everything sucks'. :clap: ;)
You're right though. I remember that and it kicked ass! What made it even better was the fact that it was such a contrast to the way things were going with the NWO 'reign of terror'. Sting called them on their bullshit and they tucked tail and fled.
Wow. Don't take it the wrong way, but I think that was the first time I read something halfway positive from you, instead of 'everything sucks'. :clap: ;)
You're right though. I remember that and it kicked ass! What made it even better was the fact that it was such a contrast to the way things were going with the NWO 'reign of terror'. Sting called them on their bullshit and they tucked tail and fled.

the positive thing...i think ur crazy :rolleyes: i post alot of positive stuff all over the place here. neither here nor there, it's cool :thumbsup:

i always found it funny that when the NWO did the whole end of show beat up on one guy thing and the fans are tossing all types of garbage into the ring and then sting comes down from the rafters the NWO ...ALWAYS ran away! it was (well when everyone else joined the NWO) like 5,6 or 7 -on- 1
and knowing the workings of wrestling since i was alot older and read all the "dirt sheets" i figured that it wouldnt be long before the NWO would beat up sting on every monday nitro...but give them a teeny weeny bit of credit they never soured the sting "persona" to having him be just another whipping dog. NOW.......... NWO red and black v black and white was a completely different story and just an overexposure of something that made them money during a profitable time.
^ That is was. The 'Wolfpack' was where I thought they 'jumped the shark', as far as NWO was concerned, and having members keep jumping from one ship to the other didn't make it better. NWO was a huge wave that broke and rolled back. Same goes for DX.
It was just too bad that we never got to see them against each other.
Haha I just remembered that 'X-Pac' was actually a member of both.
I thought the Wolfpack was fine in the beginning, when it was just Nash, Sting, Luger, Savage, and Konnan. When they started letting Hall, Hogan, and everybody else in was when they destroyed it. Then came the LWO.


Land Of The Snakes
You missed the point entirely. Unless WrestleMania XXIX is held in the north (and I'm betting it will be held in Dallas because WWE loves to follow wherever the Super Bowl goes and beat its attendance), that will be one out of six WrestleManias that are held in the Southern States. They need to take it somewhere else and let other fans experience the event.

For years i thought the WrestleMania 3 attendance of 93,173 would last forever. but now with the new cowboys stadium WWE could break that record.
I thought the Wolfpack was fine in the beginning, when it was just Nash, Sting, Luger, Savage, and Konnan. When they started letting Hall, Hogan, and everybody else in was when they destroyed it. Then came the LWO.

haha Yeah. Hogan seems to have done that more than once, hasn't he? Strutting into something that's already big, or getting big, and just taking the screws out of the whole thing.
He reminds me of that overgrown troublemaker you knew as a kid. You see him coming down the street and think "Ah, dammit. Here he comes".
"Hey, losers, what's that? You got a new pool?"
"(sigh) Yes, Hogan..."
And he jumps into the pool and breaks it.
"Uh, this pool sucks. Catch ya later suckers."
...I hate that kid.
The Wrestlemania Host will be.......?????

Any guesses?

I have one.....

....the host will be....


Anyone else?


Lord Dipstick
2-21-11 - is...The Undertaker.

So, let the "I told you so"'s commence. ;)

Just saw the promo....this week, they added the grainy pic of the Undertaker in the mirror. :cool:
As for Wreslemania....Why the fuck does it need a host anyway??
...Triple H, maybe? The Rock could make it interesting...Same with Stone Cold....fuck. I don't know.
I just hope it's not someone from outside of pro wrestling, like an actor, singer or athelete.
You know Michael Cole got a roll of dimes in his pants when he was hoping it was Ryan Seacrest. :1orglaugh Cole's dream 3-way is with Seacrest and Miz.
^ (*athlete)

Oh, and A-Rye, or whatever the fuck that jock strap's name is. Cole would press his face into his sweaty asscheeks and ask for seconds.
I just had to add this.
(a-hem) As you were. :hatsoff: