Breaking News: Jeff Hardy Leaving WWE Again?
Breaking news on Jeff Hardy leaving World Wrestling Entertainment again!
by Bill Behrens
Apr 21, 2009
It is being widely reported that Jeff Hardy's contract expires in July and that as of now he has not signed a new contract.
Speculation is that he wants time off from wrestlng to persue other things, but as with all things Jeff does only time will tell.
Clearly, with his recent use by WWE, he is making well beyond his minimum downside guarantee which is likely $150,000 or so, and I'd bet that he's generated at leat 5 to 6 times that for the last year alone with PPV pay, etc, so likely he feels financially secure.
The Hardys also release their own videos called THE HARDY SHOW that sell well, and have become a nice little business for Matt, Jeff & Shannon Moore.