Worst movie / film of all time

Re: Worst movie of all time

Anyone seen a film called 'Dollman' ?

I saw this film a good few years ago...completely laughable.

basically, it features a pint-sized cop from another planet (think action man with attitude).
I remember it being so silly I thought 'this can't be for adults', but there was so much bad language and violence, which left me thinking 'this can't be for kids either'.

Maybe it was meant for idiots, which brings me back to the reason I was watching...

Re: Worst movie of all time

Blind devotion. It was special effects poorly disguised as a movie. Plus people were so starved for the continuation of the story (franchise) they would have accepted it with open arms if it was all done with claymation. Plus the people that made the trailer did an amazing job (as most of them) in covering up the stench of the lousy plot and piss poor acting. One thing kept this movie from being a complete failure.. Darth Maul.
George Lucas is the ultimate sheep herder.

I disagree with your statement of blind devotion, if that were the case, after the initial first or second week of release after all the hardcore fans saw it, the gross would have dropped like a lead hammer, but they didnt. Granted, you had alot of the fans that went to see it more than once, but again, you dont get repeat business on a movie that no one likes. Im not saying it was the best film ever or even the best SW film, but to say that no one liked the movie is just ignorant. Being the SW fan that i am, i do rank it as my least favorite of the 6, so even us hardcore fans were critical of it. Oh well everyone is entitled to their opinion, i dont flame anyone for not liking the movie, all im saying is the argument that no one liked the movie is weak.
Re: Worst movie of all time

I'm a Star Wars fan, but I would say the new Star Wars moves success is more due to the blind devotion of a group of people that like a niche subject, or are willing to go see the movie even if it's flawed because it's better than nothing about the subject they like. (Even thought it is a relatively wide spread and appealing niche when compared to most others) Star Wars fans knew it was either this or nothing. In that respect Lucas probably knew he didn’t even have to try for the money to roll in. The people that didn't like it had already spent their money once to go see it because of its reputation, and then all the diehard fans would come back no matter what because it was Star Wars. In that aspect, for example, you could sort of compare it to the "boy bands" of the 90's. Most people hated them with a passion, but they continually sold out and brought in million upon millions of dollars from adolescent girls everywhere. So you would have to admit that the boy bands were either really that good, or were just a byproduct of some marketing that used and abused a segment of the population for all it was worth because they knew the people would buy it no matter what. In any case if the first three movies never came out, I would almost bet the newer ones would have flopped compared to the price it took to make them and they would be remembered as just another movie along with all the rest of them made that year. They would have never made as much on them as they would without the memory of the originals.
Re: Worst movie of all time

I'm a Star Wars fan, but I would say the new Star Wars moves success is more due to the blind devotion of a group of people that like a niche subject, or are willing to go see the movie even if it's flawed because it's better than nothing about the subject they like. (Even thought it is a relatively wide spread and appealing niche when compared to most others) Star Wars fans knew it was either this or nothing. In that respect Lucas probably knew he didn’t even have to try for the money to roll in. The people that didn't like it had already spent their money once to go see it because of its reputation, and then all the diehard fans would come back no matter what because it was Star Wars. In that aspect, for example, you could sort of compare it to the "boy bands" of the 90's. Most people hated them with a passion, but they continually sold out and brought in million upon millions of dollars from adolescent girls everywhere. So you would have to admit that the boy bands were either really that good, or were just a byproduct of some marketing that used and abused a segment of the population for all it was worth because they knew the people would buy it no matter what. In any case if the first three movies never came out, I would almost bet the newer ones would have flopped compared to the price it took to make them and they would be remembered as just another movie along with all the rest of them made that year. They would have never made as much on them as they would without the memory of the originals.

I must agree with you on that point D-rock, i still think that the last 3 movies were all good, granted, the original 3 will always be the greatest trilogy of all time, but the the recent films despite their flaws, had good things in them, in fact i think episode 3 finally captured the spirit of the originals, and even though Hayden Christensen was not the greatest actor, i feel he did a decent job in episode 3. You do make some good points in your post, but god pleassssse dont compare SW with....:eek: boy bands!!!!!!:rofl:
Re: Worst movie of all time

Like maddox says, the prequel star-wars movies had NO special effects... How you ask? They stop being special when they're in every damn scene!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: Worst movie of all time

Like maddox says, the prequel star-wars movies had NO special effects... How you ask? They stop being special when they're in every damn scene!

Ehh, I dunno if people even call them special, anymore. They're just effects. Visual effects. Post-production rendering. Other, descriptive yet bland words as you see fit.

Regardless of the effects, the new star wars were good in the same way that the Matrix trilogy was good. Save for the predictability value of Star Wars.

Matrix 1, Episode 1.. both sucked pretty hard in comparison to the following two movies, respectively. But they set up the story. Introduced the characters. Etcetera. You wanna see what happens next, and paying 10 bucks for a ticket and then some isnt all that bad. Repeat a couple million times/moviegoers and there's your box office rewards for the movie companies.

As for Star Wars.. it was barely exciting only in that you didnt know EXACTLY what was going to happen next. Obviously they had to stay true to the source material.. which meant you never worry about Obi Wan or Darth Vader. They live because they were in the original trilogy. So your story rests solely upon new characters, and existing character development. George Lucas is such a horrible writer/director.. it's difficult to properly convey the disgust that his creation years ago.. Star Wars.. is still in his hands. The endless numbers of books and Video Games between episodes 4-6 and this moment have done an incredible job and never disapointed like the movies.

I laughed my way through Deep Blue Sea... a movie that, I suppose, was intended as a thriller. ;)

The whole movie is laughable, yes. But the movie becomes unbearable during 3 parts:
LL Cool J whining to his bird.
The chick getting half naked to survive.
Samuel L Jackson's moving speech. Followed IMMEDIATELY by his death.. which was a big "OMG you F'ing retards..you did NOT just further F up your own movie!' (Spoken to the writer and director, mainly)
Re: Worst movie of all time

The Cave. The Plot sucked and the acting was horrible. :sleep:
Re: Worst movie of all time

Matrix 1, Episode 1.. both sucked pretty hard in comparison to the following two movies, respectively. But they set up the story. Introduced the characters.

Samuel L Jackson's moving speech. Followed IMMEDIATELY by his death.. which was a big "OMG you F'ing retards..you did NOT just further F up your own movie!' (Spoken to the writer and director, mainly)

Dude, the first Matrix was awesome. The first time I saw that I was just blown away. I hadn't felt that satisfied from a movie in a long time. Matrix 2, aside from cool choreographed fights and more wild effects, the story blew. The third movie was cool and I loved the ending despite the popular consensus that it sucked.

As for DBS and killing off SLJ... I thought that was a bold move and one that I'd like to see more movies do. Stories are so predictable solely based on casting. Top bill actors playing a hero don't die. It's a sadly predictable formula. with no name actors you pretty much know they're all just "red-suits" and will eventually be mangled in some way shape or form with the exception of the hero, which isn't always the case and isn't always made obvious.

The Departed was a great movie because it totally broke the formula by the end. Even though it almost seemed intentionally shocking for the purposes of word-of-mouth advertising.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: Worst movie of all time

Dude, the first Matrix was awesome. The first time I saw that I was just blown away. I hadn't felt that satisfied from a movie in a long time. Matrix 2, aside from cool choreographed fights and more wild effects, the story blew. The third movie was cool and I loved the ending despite the popular consensus that it sucked.

As for DBS and killing off SLJ... I thought that was a bold move and one that I'd like to see more movies do. Stories are so predictable solely based on casting. Top bill actors playing a hero don't die. It's a sadly predictable formula. with no name actors you pretty much know they're all just "red-suits" and will eventually be mangled in some way shape or form with the exception of the hero, which isn't always the case and isn't always made obvious.

Matrix 1 was great, sure. I could watch it over and over. Until reloaded and revolutions came out. Then.. I just cant watch it the same. The story is over.

The path of neo, however.. or the Matrix Online.. that's a different story.

Killing off characters is rarely used in American cinema. If you want depressing reality, you could be jaded like me. Watch enough eurotrash and you'll have your fill of movies with open-ended stories. Zero closure. Unanswered questions. Depression and death.

I'm not saying I want every action hero to be bulletproof-assed James Bond, but.. sometimes its a break to have a superhero. ;)
Re: Worst movie of all time

I think the killing off of heroes is a refreshing way to approach an otherwise stale formula of the current "mainstream" US films. Ending on a down note i sometimes a great way to go. Look at Star Wars ESB. Total down note. Some other, lesser, examples like Pulse (US version), Resident Evil, and The Departed throws the audience a curveball that leaves a little more to the imagination than ending a movie by wrapping it all up with a nice clean bow and no loose ends. Not to mention greater sequel potential (which obviously isn't always a good thing).
Re: Worst movie of all time

Worst movie of all time? For me that would be hard to tell because there's been a lot of awful movies I haven't seen, at least not outside of mystery science theater 3000, but the worst movie I've seen so far that I can remember was an old movie called "The Ax" or something like that about some criminals that hide from the cops in a farm where some disturbed girl lives, who as the title says.. well, you guys figure it out. It wasn't scary, fun, entertaining, exciting, didn't have any hot naked chicks, or anything I found redeeming about it. For some reason I hated it. Recent awful movies i've seen, I'd nominate Bloodrayne
Re: Worst movie of all time

i used to think that it was the blair witch project. now epic movie is giving the blair witch project a run for its crappiness title.
Re: Worst movie of all time

I just watche a giant pile of shit called Piñata Survival Island about teens trapped on an island are haunted by a demon hidden inside...a pinata!
Re: Worst movie of all time

I just watche a giant pile of shit called Piñata Survival Island about teens trapped on an island are haunted by a demon hidden inside...a pinata!

:rofl: that's a staple on the scifi channel and amc. it's one of the worst movies of all time if you ask me. the special effects are awful. the only redeeming value of it is jamie pressely (I'm sure i spelled her name wrong) running around in those ass hugging shorts of hers.
Re: Worst movie of all time

:rofl: that's a staple on the scifi channel and amc. it's one of the worst movies of all time if you ask me. the special effects are awful. the only redeeming value of it is jamie pressely (I'm sure i spelled her name wrong) running around in those ass hugging shorts of hers.
Yep that was the only thing worth watching it for! My brother bought it a Wal-Mart in the $5 DVD bin and if you ask me he got ripped off! LMAO