I just saw Four Christmases ( Vince Vaughn ) don't know what the fuck i was thinking when i thought i should watch this movie. Its a movie just about stereotypes.
For me it is that ship film posiden:fight:
you haven't seen the worst movie ever made until you've seen
Hard Rock Zombies
its the worst. worse than posiden. worse than catwoman. worse than 10,000 BC.
I havent seen or heard of that movie, but I would bet money it is better than hard rock zombies.
Swordfish anyone?
Tropic Thunder was dog shit!
2001 A SPACE ODESSEY, what a snooze fest, I been trying to watch this for 2 weeks because Ive never seen it. I like Kubrick's movies but this sucks
Swordfish anyone?
Well...The Mist was bad because I thought the storyline was something that seemed as if not much effort was put into it. 'Scientists open up a portal and these creatures come out of it'.