lord of the rings? are you on crack?
Randall: I know you’re a huge fuckin’ nerd of Potsie-like proportions, and no chicks dig nerds, especially nerds who are into Lord of the Rings.
Elias: Chicks dig Lord of the Rings Randall.
Randall: Yeah the kind of girls who are into swords and elves and shit, and I wouldn’t fuck them with the Torch of Gondor.
Randall: Yeah, because you’ve accepted the fact a long time ago that you’ll never get a chick.
Elias: I could get a chick if I wanted.
Randall: You couldn’t get a chick ya mook, you’re too weird and sad.
Randall: Hey, morons, there’s only one return and it’s not of the king, it’s of the Jedi!
Randall: And then after the Frodo and Sam suckfest, just before the credits roll, Sam straight up fucking bricks in Frodo's mouth.
Randall: I made fun of Lord of the Rings so hard I made some supergeek puke all over the counter, where do we keep the mop and bucket so I can have Elias clean it up?