Worst Diet Soda Pop

Diet Mountain Dew. My wife brought home a 12 pack and I was excited to try one. Figured since Mountain Dew is good that flavor might be OK in Diet form too. Wrong. The artificial sweetener lingers forever in your mouth. I couldn't even finish one.

My sister-in-law and future brother-in-law are here now and about ready to leave. My wife just slipped the other 10 cans in their bag while I distracted them. Those bad tasting pops will soon be out of my house.

Gotta say I think you are in the minority on this. Most people would say this is the best tasting diet drink. But I think it is also the least healthy diet drink.
Yeah, diet Dew is pretty nasty. I have decided that diet A&W root beer is pretty damn good for diet. The absolute worst diet soda that I ever had was something called Tab. I am not sure if they even make them anymore but my mom used to drink them. Terrible soda.


Closed Account
Tab ... that reminded me of that exchange in the movie Back to the Future that went something along the lines of:

Marty McFly: Give me a Pepsi Free.
Guy at Café: I'm not gonna give you a Pepsi for free. If you want a soda, you're gonna have to pay for it.
Marty McFly: Okay, then give me a Tab.
Guy at Café: I can't give you a tab until you order something. :rofl:

Anyway ... I think Diet Pepsi is the worst. Diet Dr Pepper is not very good either.


Closed Account
Gotta say I think you are in the minority on this. Most people would say this is the best tasting diet drink. But I think it is also the least healthy diet drink.
I'm gonna have to agree with you that Diet Mountain Dew is actually good. The reason I don't drink it is because it has high caffeine content and I am having to avoid caffeine.

Now Dollar General's generic Mountain Rush or Mountain Explosion or whatever the fuck it's called ... THAT one has a lingering aftertaste.
Yeah, diet Dew is pretty nasty. I have decided that diet A&W root beer is pretty damn good for diet. The absolute worst diet soda that I ever had was something called Tab. I am not sure if they even make them anymore but my mom used to drink them. Terrible soda.

Oh hell yes. Tab was undrinkable. Actually to me they all are, but Tab was the worst.
Diet Mountain Dew. My wife brought home a 12 pack and I was excited to try one. Figured since Mountain Dew is good that flavor might be OK in Diet form too. Wrong. The artificial sweetener lingers forever in your mouth. I couldn't even finish one.

It's great that you did not tell them exactly what you really are thinking about that drink.
Yeah, diet Dew is pretty nasty. I have decided that diet A&W root beer is pretty damn good for diet. The absolute worst diet soda that I ever had was something called Tab. I am not sure if they even make them anymore but my mom used to drink them. Terrible soda.
Tab... I vaguely remember something called that. Was is a pink colored can marketed to girls?