Work visas then go home

"asylum" is a joke.

I don't fault those willing to walk thousands of miles and face all the hardship including death in all matter of ways to provide for their families. If I were in their situation I would do the same.

"They are doing jobs that Americans won't do." Then let them do jobs that Americans won't do but above board. Then shoot everyone else.
That line about “ doing the jobs Americans won’t do” is a fabrication by the left and the low wage lobby ( Koch brothers).
Americans have always done the job if it needed to be done, they have simply had their wages driven down by illegals and the greedy bastards won’t pay them what they are worth because they can get an illegal to do it for far less.
I think or thought that too, but raise crop harvesting wages to the state or federal minimum wage and how many American citizens would do it?

There's a shortage now.

Supply and demand.

Work and go home.


Closed Account
Asylum is a dream come true and a business model for Democrats. They're salivating so much right now that they need supersized bibs.