And speaking of black or brown persons how is your aboriginal population or "abos" as you gap-toothed outback inbred types (lol @ mongo) like to call them, but only in the company of your dinner tables of course?
Aboriginal youths are 28 times more likely to be arrested and adults 13 times more than non-indigenous, henceforth referred to here as "white australians," "whites," or simply "mongo."
The aboriginal infant mortality rate is twice that of white australians.
Life expectancy of aborigines is 10 years less than their white countrymen.
The indigenous unemployment rate is 16% compared to 5% of white australians.
More than 70% of aborigines are in the bottom 2/5 income brackets.
Only 36% of aborigines graduated high school.
Aboriginal households are half as likely to own or be buying their own homes as white australians.
Those are all 2010 figures from Hopefully their plight has improved dramatically since then, Australia being such a progressive society and all.
And while mongo lectures Americans on our treatment of black and brown people, his country has black and brown or otherwise
swarthy types (they probably say that too) in an internment camp, living in dismal conditions on an island off their coast because they've been refused entry into Australia. Can't have any more of those m8.
fuck off.