Why such lethal dosages of sodium ?


Postal Paranoiac
Another point of interest: watch out for "lite" or "low fat" foods like snacks and frozen stuff. The sodium levels are always much higher.


Closed Account
Another point of interest: watch out for "lite" or "low fat" foods like snacks and frozen stuff. The sodium levels are always much higher.

Something I noticed is once I convinced a few people to switch off Lite foods, they lost a bit of weight and said the foods tasted better. I avoid the Fat-free and Lite foods as they also tend to be loaded with apparently plastics and fiberglass (or whatever some of those chemical compounds are). Hell, just compare mayo vs. the fat-free variant. At least you know what goes into a simple mayonnaise.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hrmmm I don't think those would ne nearly as crunchy as Fritos :( BAD TRADE MOFO.

Whaaaaat? Not as crunchy? :eek:

I haven't bathed in like a week. My scrotum's so crisp that when I walk across the room, it sounds like somebody is crumbling crackers into their soup.