Why Obama and his minions are in a heap of trouble

If there's anyone on this forum whose opinion you think I respect, that secretly has animosity towards me, they are smart enough not to let me know it.

If anyone on this forum that's supposed to be impartial doesn't like me, they too, are smart enough not to let me know it, and they might just be playing you.

You're smart enough to know whose opinions I consider shit.
This is a thread about the imminent legal peril that Obama and his associates will find themselves in. If you can’t control your temper, then vent on your own threads.

Observations that something is not right with your constant obsessions and missions of revenge is too obvious to ignore. Displaying your ignorance in all things of a legal nature are self inflicted wounds.

I am sorry your feelings are hurt. Perhaps you can find more suitable conversation elsewhere on the board.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nice attempt, but you don't have Jedi skills.

Please provide proof that Obama and his associates are in imminent legal peril.
Nice attempt, but you don't have Jedi skills.

Please provide proof that Obama and his associates are in imminent legal peril.

I have done that throughout the 10 plus pages of this thread. If you would have spent more time reading the thread instead of shitting on it once you are triggered, you’d be aware of this.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I have done that throughout the 10 plus pages of this thread. If you would have spent more time reading the thread instead of shitting on it once you are triggered, you’d be aware of this.

You don't have any proof, you've posted 10+ pages of wild speculation and wishful thinking. You just get mad when it's pointed out.

The way the Democrats planned on things turning out:

Hillary Clinton wins the presidency 400 electoral votes to Trump’s 138.
Fusion GPS, The Russian honey pot all have done their jobs in trying to set up the Trump campaign in a collusion sting. The phony dossier is in place but no longer needed. No need to worry about what was presented to the FISA courts to obtain surveillance warrants, Madam President is gonna take care of it * wink* .

No worries, if that orange Oompa Loompa gets uppity again and starts riling people up again with crazy talk of walls and running for President again, we will drop the nasty details of how he likes to have dirty hookers pee on him and that will be the end of that.

But hold up!

The American people had different plans. Pantsuit granny suffers a crushing defeat. A couple of days later and after the dust settles and the cleaners are able to clean the stench of puke out of Hillary’s purple and black pantsuit, ( the purple was to signify red and blue states coming together).

It is soon after this that the Obama administration realized holy fuck! Trump is gonna access to the same intelligence that we have.
Lucy, we got a lot of ‘ splainin’ to do. Get Hillary on the phone, Hillary we need that dossier, we gotta have a reason to explain why we went to FISA and we need a crime. “ oh I have an idea! Collusion! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Fast forward to 10 days after the election. NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers meets with president elect Trump and doesn’t inform Obama, Obama is pissed and wants to fire Rogers but is advised against it. ( You know how Trump thought about firing Mueller but didn’t) :)

The very next fucking day Trump moves his transition office out of Trump Tower to his New Jersey golf club ( something minster). Clearly, Rogers has informed Trump that his wires are tapped ( mah wires were tapped!!)

Enter James Comey, as director of the FBI he doesn’t have to answer to many people but he does have to answer to the executive branch and to Congress. Comey has been spying on the Trump campaign in a counter intelligence investigation for 8 months and never reports it to congress because of the “sensitive nature” of the investigation.
That is why congress has an oversight committee because the FBI are held accountable to them.

Nothing! Even though Comey met with Trump at Trump Tower about the phony dossier, it was simply a reason Comey was trying to use for the surveillance should it come up, all the while pretending to be an impartial civil servant.

There ARE legal ways to spy on Americans and there are illegal methods without probable cause.

The soon to be released memo will describe the illegal methods used to surveill the Trump campaign.
It’s time for Obama, Rice, Comey, Lynch et al to lawyer up.

I ain’t hardly bullshittin’.

Your original post, all 100% pure bullshit.
Oh it’s not bullshit or speculation, it is all fact right down to Fusion GOS, FISA abuse and illegal surveillance.
Ask Admiral Mike Rogers if it is bullshit.
A simple screenshot that I posted yesterday set you into triggered mode. Another statement of fact.
I’m sorry to break it to you but a lot of your heroes are going to jail.
I have pointed this out on numerous occasions on this thread and you can’t seem to grasp it or just don’t want to.

Make no mistake, Obama and his minions will be going to jail before anyone Trump or his associates ever will over anything regarding the 2016 presidential campaign.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Speaking of the Steele Dossier, Cohen's guilty plea further confirms it.

Don't know what screenshot you're referring to that supposedly, "triggered" me yesterday, whatever it was, I'm sure it was good, but your posts just aren't that important to me.
Speaking of the Steele Dossier, Cohen's guilty plea further confirms it.

Don't know what screenshot you're referring to that supposedly, "triggered" me yesterday, whatever it was, I'm sure it was good, but your posts just aren't that important to me.

Actually it confirms nothing because Cohen pleaded to what the prosecutors presented to him: here is when your ignorance rears it’s ugly head again. The plea that Cohen made is a statement, Cohen received favorable treatment for going along with prosecutors. The prosecutors and Cohen know that what is asserted in the plea deal will never be argued in court nor will it ever have to be defended.
You are unbelievably ignorant and naive.

You are not worth my time.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
There you go again, "counselor". Temper, temper. Call me, "ignorant", and now, "naive", that's awesome! Say I'm creepy and mentally disturbed to round it out, you can do it, I believe in you.
If you can’t get someone banned, you try to have threads that you don’t like locked. That’s what you are doing here. You have your own thread, participate on it.

I will discuss only developments pertaining to criminal charges brought against Obama cronies. Not to you anymore.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It was a nice ride for the Republicans in The House of Representatives, A New Day's Dawning...


Dat last full month of Republican control of the House of Representatives.

My how time has just flown right by.

Why did congressional Republicans waste the last two years?

I got a tribute to Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan et al.-



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
1-You need to educate yourself as to what constitutes a personal attack.
2- Post a link to any thread that you have started that I have constantly tried to derail it.
No, it’s not a lie. I can produce the email of you claiming that you have identified me as an attorney across town from my office. I can also produce screenshots of your Guerilla Emails with Trojan viruses you tried to launch. Perhaps some here have a little more insight as to why me and others do not like you.

The vast majority of exchanges that we have are where you come to threads that I start, yet somehow you are being attacked personally.

The bottom line here is that it is obvious that you are not good at debate. Only throwing bombs on a thread.

I see you went back and edited that after I had already responded to it.

Yes, everything you accused me of is certainly a lie. I don't care if you have screenshots of The Moon Landing, I'm sure you are computer savvy enough to fake any document you wish. You keep pushing a false narrative about me being, "creepy", that I've somehow messaged you through Gorilla Mail, something I've never heard of before you started ranting about it, and that I've "sent you viruses", something I have absolutely no experience with other than running AVG on my computer, and that I've attempted to, "dox" you, truth be told I couldn't care less about you, you mean nothing to me. It makes for an intriguing narrative and it certainly shores up why You Might resent me for more than just my political opinions, but you are lying merely to try to persuade others to take your side. That's pretty low, but if being King Of FreeOnes is your goal in life, good luck attaining the crown, I have no desire to contest your candidacy. As for, "others" that don't like me, I really don't care, anyone that doesn't liek me, doesn't fucking know me.
I see you went back and edited that after I had already responded to it.

Yes, everything you accused me of is certainly a lie. I don't care if you have screenshots of The Moon Landing, I'm sure you are computer savvy enough to fake any document you wish. You keep pushing a false narrative about me being, "creepy", that I've somehow messaged you through Gorilla Mail, something I've never heard of before you started ranting about it, and that I've "sent you viruses", something I have absolutely no experience with other than running AVG on my computer, and that I've attempted to, "dox" you, truth be told I couldn't care less about you, you mean nothing to me. It makes for an intriguing narrative and it certainly shores up why You Might resent me for more than just my political opinions, but you are lying merely to try to persuade others to take your side. That's pretty low, but if being King Of FreeOnes is your goal in life, good luck attaining the crown, I have no desire to contest your candidacy. As for, "others" that don't like me, I really don't care, anyone that doesn't liek me, doesn't fucking know me.

Is every email that I could produce a fabrication? Even the ones where you claimed to be doing freelance IT work for FreeOnes?
You’re the only one that had that email address and I even received a disposable email taunting me after I was banned. It was either you or you gave someone else the address. You’ve also tried to pass yourself off on other social media platforms as somehow being associated with FreeOnes in an official capacity. That alone should be cause for a perma-ban.

I am calling you a liar and I am quite confident in that assessment.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I didn't say that we haven't exchanged emails, I said I've never sent you gorilla mail,
that's a fact, as for anyone else that I may or may not have given your email to, I don't recall.

I've never tried to pass myself off as being officially associated with FreeOnes.
I used "FO" at the end of my now defunct twitter account,
but not to try to fool anyone into thinking I work for FreeOnes,
merely to let anyone that uses the FreeOnes forum know it was me.
Interesting, that account was duped, but I'm sure you have no idea who did that.

You can call me whatever you want, fact is you are the one lying.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yes, you are lying. No, I don't do sub-contract/freelance work for FreeOnes.
Whatever. Produce some screenshots, like I said, I didn't deny having exchanged emails with you, and you can fake whatever you want. I'll be waiting with bated breath.

I am not posting anything on this board. I may be able to produce evidence that you claimed that you were hired by FreeOnes to perform freelance IT work. Now you are denying it. Of course. I am not proficient in PhotoShop. You photoshopped some things for me, remember? Bill Kristol IIRC.
I always wondered why they would need the services of someone in the U.S., I am sure they have highly capable people in the Netherlands at their disposal.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I may be able to produce evidence that you claimed that you were hired by FreeOnes to perform freelance IT work. Now you are denying it. Of course.

Wow. Remind me again how I have mental issues.

I can unequivocally and absolutely guarantee you that I have never done IT work for FreeOnes, and you will never find any such reference in any email exchange you manage to dig up between the two of us.