That would be like saying there will never be another Pearl Harbor or 9/11. The Mueller investigation has netted dozens of indictments and is still In Progress, calling it "bogus" or "a witch hunt" is a lie. And don't forget, there were several Watergate-like scandals during the Reagan and Bush administrations, i.e., Iran Contra, The outing of FBI agents, etc., with several indictments and convictions returned. Everything you posted above is wrong.
1-I never said there will “ never be another Watergate”.
2- Not one Republican President has done anything remotely close to what Nixon did and they have not been in any danger of being impeached.
The “ dozens of indictments” include mainly the 12 Russians who never have to stand trial AND process crime pleas or indictments stemming from crap totally unrelated to Russia, collusion or anything else of liberal fantasy.
So yes, it is a witch hunt and he has not found one scintilla of evidence in regard to Russia Trump collusion nor will he. The scope of the investigation has not been defined and there was never a crime established to warrant the investigation unlike Hillary Clinton and Nixon where crimes had clearly taken place.
Besides the fact that you are an unhinged left wing loon, you are not equipped to discuss such matters with me as you have no understanding of the law.
Your post proves your ignorance and I tried to be generous with you when I pointed out that there were no parallels to Watergate and this farce but you just keep making a fool out of yourself.
Maybe guarding your property from stray animals is your high water mark.
Political discussion sure isn’t.