Why does the U.S. military overwhelmingly favor republicans?

What I don't understand about military supporting Trump is how these military would put their lives in the hands of a man who avoid being drafted and sent to Viet-Nam for a bone spur in the foot and had the audacity to drew opprobrium on a naval aviator who was shot down and taken prisoner, suffered from disease, malnourishment, and a number of gruesome wounds in a bleak Vietnamese prison whil Mr Trump was living a glamorous life at an Ivy League University and later in exclusive Manhattan nightclubs. A man who had the audacity to insult the parents of a US soldier who sacrificied his life to save his unit.

Thse 2 examples are very telling about what Mr Trum really thinks about the military :
Mr Trump doesn't have much admiration or even respect for the brave men and women who fight everyday in Lybia, Syria, Iraq or anywhere usl military are deployed. He likes "winners", he likes the military when they come back home victorious and unarmed 'cause, as a President all he would have to do to them is give 'em some decoration and smile for the picture. More important he could use the victory for political purpose, for his self promotion.
He doesn't really like those who are killed, captured or wounded. These ones you can't just give 'em decorations. These ones you have to give 'em (or their families) money, these ones the government has a moral obligation to care for them, to look after them. These ones make you not look good if you don't take enough care of them.
Mr. Trump likes heroes, he doesn't like crippled. Unfortunately for him and the rest of us, war will alway produce more crippled than heroes.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As for why some in the military support the GOP (I don't know that it's overwhelming though), it's obviously based partially on the tendency of Republicans to be strong(er) supporters of national defense and defense spending. And a lot of Republicans will play on patriotism, whether it's fake or real. While more than a few Democrats or liberals come off as not being very respectful of the military. That perception may be accurate or not. But at the same time, it's a mistake to think that all soldiers are like the Gunnery Sergeant from Full Metal Jacket - especially the millennials that are going into the military these days. Hell, some vets are even supporting Bernie. People join the military for different reasons... always have. Some really are filled with a patriotic and service to country spirit, while some others just see it as an opportunity to improve their station in life; stumbled through high school, so joining the army beats working at McDonald's after graduation. Just like anything else, some people are devoted to what they're doing and some are just beating in their time.

My uncle is a Vietnam era vet and he is supporting Trump. He is a major (MAJOR!) law & order type guy. He started out on the Chris Christie bandwagon and then transitioned to Trump because he believes the tough talk that The Donald spouts out. I know another fellow who is a Vietnam era vet (former Perot supporter, like myself), and he hates Trump with a [NOBABE]purple passion[/NOBABE] because of what he said about John McCain, and how he said it. Anyone who criticizes a fallen or captured soldier is pond scum in his eyes... especially if that person never served in the military, or worse, was a daddy's boy draft dodger. He can't stand Hillary either and will probably vote for Johnson. A fellow that I work with is a Navy vet pushing 50, and he likes Bernie and Jill Stein. Based on everything else I know about him, he's probably an outlier though (in so many ways :rolleyes:). He believes in the concept of free lunches, so Jill or Bernie would make sense in his mind.

Animus/Strict makes a good and interesting point about the political leanings of the enlisted personnel versus the officer corps. That says something about the class divide, I suppose. Years ago, I read something about a similar class/political divide in the British army during and after WWI. Course, back then, the officers were quite often from the aristocracy. But still...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm wondering if it's proof or coincidence that the same is happening in other parts of the world.

In Canada, the Conservatives were all for the mission in Iraq & purchase of the F-35s, and then when the Liberals won they ended the missions and promised to cancel the fighter purchase.
In Japan, Junichirō Koizumi (Liberal Democratic Party = Conservatives in Japan) was the first Japanese PM to visit Yasukuni Shine which honours fallen soldiers, and also deployed the Self-Defence forces to Iraq, which was basically the first time since WWII Japan's military was deployed outside of the country.

I don't know. My statement was an opinion, or observation of my own, not based in any evidence I would be able to provide, and I think your statement of "The U.S. military" is rather broad. I would tend to be of the opinion that the ones voting repulican are higher up the rank scale, and more involved in budgetary, or administrative positions. I'm sure the men and women that are in the middle of the fray, run the full spectrum of personal beliefs and choices.

Personally I feel a strong military is a necessity, but the budget allocated for current defense spending is a little ridiculous. We spend something like 600 billion. More then the next 5 or 6 countries combined. he American tax payer is being financially beaten to death, and it needs to change, and soon.
Personally I feel a strong military is a necessity, but the budget allocated for current defense spending is a little ridiculous. We spend something like 600 billion. More then the next 5 or 6 countries combined. he American tax payer is being financially beaten to death, and it needs to change, and soon.
I agree that when you outspend your competition by that much, it's overkill. Case in point they stopped making the F-22 because there is nothing even close to challenging it.

That said, playing devil's advocate, can you not say military spending is more important that simply the defence of the country? Mainly:
1) The influence it buys you on the world stage. There's a strong co-relation between the two. See Israel.
2) And more importantly the benefits of military tech; cutting edge science has pretty much always gone to the military first, whether it's medicine, electronics, engineering etc. It then works its way down to civilian use, GPS is a good example.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I haven't looked at how it breaks down, and I know big boy toys cost a lot, but I would guess a huge chunk of that money goes to keeping all of this bullshit in the middle east running. I would rather see them spend 100 million on a plane then 50 million to pay soldiers that are risking, and giving their lives overseas, to fight. Maybe bring our men and women home, let them fight their own battles, and use those soldiers to protect our soil.

I wish I could give a better answer then that, but shit needs to get fixed, and real soon.


Staff member
For example the Lt Col Leo K Thorness who was a vietnam recipient of the medal of honor (he was a former USAF f105g Wildweasel V pilot) was a republican senator, and same for other former veitnam medal of honor recipients who were in the other branches of the military who were also politicially on the republican side. Republicans value the country, a great army, honor and a strong nation. Even one of the most bad ass USMC General, James Mad Dog Mattis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Mattis is for sure a republican.
I was wondering when the shitbag who begged and pleaded to have his perma-ban lifted, that derails threads and would rather make everything personal, was going to happen along.

And yes Animus, you would be better of keeping the non-veterans out of this. Like a certain alcoholic draft-dodger. How're those bonespurs doing BC? Keeping them properly medicated?

"Oh, I don't want to subject the rest of the board to our feud (sniffle). I just want to give peace a ..... hold on, it's time for my hourly handful of Prozac.....anyway, where was I?....oh yeah, fuck you Mayhem....you're not a vet and fuck your job....and...what?....topic? what does the topic have to do with any of this?"

Thank you. I've been waiting for one fuckin' person to say exactly that. Cletus can continue this as long as he want, but if I was anyone else, I'd be getting pretty tired of it.

I miss this guy. He had it right all along.
I miss this guy. He had it right all along.

I seem to recall you giving him shit about nobody missing him or mentioning him during his hiatus.

It seems you are confused about this as you are about your sexual orientation or anything else.
I seem to recall you giving him shit about nobody missing him or mentioning him during his hiatus.

It seems you are confused about this as you are about your sexual orientation or anything else.

In hindsight. and no confusion here, cletus.

I knew you couldn't just let that go. You child.
no confusion here, cletus.

I knew you couldn't just let that go. You child.
No, I am not going to seek out arguments or insults with you but if you want to keep issuing them, I'll be happy to respond.

I had rather measured and innocuous responses to your initial attacks on me which from the best that I and others can tell have come out of the blue.
You escalated this shit not me.

But I don't mind reminding you that as always you can go fuck yourself.

Trick ass bitch.