What is more self centered? Someone who doesn't want kids because they enjoy time to themselves? They enjoy their freedom? Or someone who wants kids to carry on their name? Or to support them when they are older. Or to do their chores for them around the house. Hmm?
Without a doubt the one who doesn't want to have kids.
I have a girl...no name carry on there. I could care less...
Support me when I'm older? WTF? No one I ever knew worried about that as a reason to have children.
Chores around the house? That one is the silliest...considering the amount of care and work done to raise little ones to the point they can help a little, and then the attention and "training" to teach little ones how to do chores...that is ludicrous.
Every stage of their precious lives you are helping them learn the world...they will sort it out on their own, a parent gives them some simple insight on how things work. Tying shoes, putting toys away to make it easier to find them later, writing the letter "A", checking to see if food is too hot...these little gems of knowledge enable a little person to bring their own sense of order (or not) to their world, and is the greatest job you'll ever have.
All that other crap is some silliness weird people try to lay on little people; most everyone I know goes their own way as they get older (I'm not a lawyer or a Doctor, go figure), no matter what plans a parent has for them.
I don't want to dictate what direction my girl takes her life, only to help her find her way there.
I want to donate a new world citizen to the mix, and protect her as much as I can 'til I'm gone.
Most fun I've ever had!:thumbsup: