You'll have to explain that one. How does an increase in population result in an increase in the standard of living? To make it easier, let's say five people moved into your house, would your standard of living be higher?
My argument isn't that there have not been any technological advances, obviously there have been, my argument is that this system is not sustainable. It's built on exponential growth, and this is just not possible, for a variety of reasons. Our current systems are systems of exploitation and these standards I'm talking about you can see as it correlates with the buying power of the dollar. Even when you take into consideration inflation, a dollar does not buy what it used to, and it continues to fall. To add to this wages, and more specifically minimum wage, has not risen to match the inflation of the currency. Living standards also went down for many reaons, one in particular has to do with the complete drop off in manufacturing services in the U.S., largely due to corporations moving their factories overseas and hiring immigrants to work under the table, or for dirt wages. What in technical terms is referred to as outsourcing. Free trade has also crippled the working class in the U.S. because they are incapable of competing with 50 cent an hour Chinese workers. America no longer produces anything, and it consumes something like 25% of the worlds resources. See the problem? 300 million out of nearly 7 billion, and they consume a quarter of the planet's resources. How do they do that you might ask? Do you think the will just go on? You think the bartender won't cut off the booze?
My first post was quite simply that if a country of 60 million people take 3 million immigrants the effect will be equivalent to a lot more immigrants going to a country of 300 million.Not to mention that the UK is much more densely populated to start with.
My other point was that the mass immigration in the past didn't lead to terrible problems;rather the case was the economy assimilated them and grew strongly with the increased workforce.But existing Americans complained bitterly about these immigrants coming in and stealing their jobs just as they do now.