Who is your favorite "Doctor Who"?

Doctor Who - who is your favorite?

  • William Hartnell

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Patrick Troughton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jon Pertwee

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Tom Baker

    Votes: 40 47.6%
  • Peter Davison

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Colin Baker

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Sylvester McCoy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christopher Eccleston

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • David Tennant

    Votes: 23 27.4%
  • Other (ie: Paul McGann, Peter Cushing, etc)

    Votes: 3 3.6%

  • Total voters
Tom Baker, but I liked Jon Pertwee who was the Doctor when I started watching and the new guy Matt Smith seems like he could be good.

The new assistant Karen Gillan is gorgeous.
In the spirit of "MRTB", "Who?":tongue:
My top five are:

1. Tom Baker
2. David Tennant
3. John Pertwee
4. Patrick Troughton
5. William Hartnell

I'm not overly fond of any of the others. Colin Baker was by far the worst.
Too early to say where Matt Smith will figure.