It's good to be the king...

For those of you who require more info, Doctor Who is a BBC-TV Sci-Fi show based on the (mis)adventures of a cosmic traveller through time and/or space (usually with a companion or two), who can also regenerate his body when approaching death. It is considered one of the longest-running sci-fi television series in the world (originally running from 1963 to 1989, followed by a television movie in 1996, and the series relaunch last year).
To date, there has been 10 Doctors:
William Hartnell - the original Doctor (1963 to 1966) who was considered mysterious, patronising, cantankerous - even a bit ruthless.
Patrick Troughton - the second Doctor (1966 to 1969). A bit of a "cosmic hobo."
Jon Pertwee - the third Doctor (1970 to 1974). Suave and a bit of a dandy, he was also partial to practising Venusian martial arts and is my favorite from the series.
Tom Baker - the fourth Doctor (1974 to 1981). Zany, manic and a bit of an eccentric, he is considered the most popular.
Peter Davison - the fifth Doctor (1981 to 1984). Vulnerable, reserved and a lover of cricket. Yet a man burdened with the death of one of his companions.
Colin Baker - the sixth Doctor (1984 to 1986). Brash, volatile and initially unpredictable (he attempted to strangle his companion after regenerating). The series also had to endure interference from within the BBC.
Sylvester McCoy - the seventh Doctor (1987 to 1989). Comical, yet devious, dark and manipulative, this incarnation was my least popular (especially hated his companion calling him "Prof"), but the series suffered from lack of support from the BBC, eventually leading to the series' cancellation in 1989.
Paul McGann - the eighth Doctor (1996 to 2005). This Doctor only lasted for one ill-fated TV movie, although he also appeared in various authorised spin-off media (notably BBC Books' Eighth Doctor Adventures novels, audio plays from Big Finish Productions, and the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip between 1996 until the debut of the new television series in 2005).
Christopher Eccleston - the ninth Doctor (2005). A lonely individual with the knowledge that he is the last of his race (the Time Lords were supposedly destroyed in an interstellar conflict with the Daleks), he could be gritty and there were hints of a romance with his female companion. Which brings us nicely to...
David Tennant - the tenth Doctor (2005 - ?). This Doctor has been described as light-hearted and cheeky. To me he's like a naughty boy let loose in a toy shop - but I thought yesterday's episode ("School Reunion") was his best outing to date.
The Doctor has also appeared in two cinema films: Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) and Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD (1966). Peter Cushing portrayed the Doctor in both movies.
So, have a think - who's your favorite?