Who is Petra, if you don't mind my asking?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Why does anyone care? Petra is completely made up. She's like Santa or the Holocaust.


Why does anyone care? Petra is completely made up. She's like Santa or the Holocaust.

She seems real to me, but I'm still new to this forum.

And let's not discount the theory that Santa might have orchestrated the holocaust, so he could skip delivering toys to most of Germany for awhile. He only works one day a year, but Christmas Eve is pretty crazy, I imagine.

An immortal elf slaver living on the North Pole has probably had some fairly dark moments in his existence.

Ah, well, if that's her picture in her profile she looks amazing.


Yes indeedy!

I remember one time I asked if Petra was a man or a woman. Why? because I thought that everyone on here (well for the most part) was a guy. And so I just took it that Petra was one as well. Then I got told when I asked that Petra was a she. And I was like OMG! then after being told that shocking revelation I went back to masterbating to porn.

The end.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I just noticed Petra has an ICQ icon under her avatar.
ICQ? Really? That still exists? ICQ is soooooo 10 years ago!