Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah, well to the people producing it, it might be. It sure as hell isn't on par with Nat Geo, but the guy with the camera might take his work more seriously then we do. Which is why I put quotation marks around the word art. It was a little jab at porn photographers.IMO porn is not art. It's smut, it's filth, and I'm perfectly fine with that. You know why it's called art? Because some guy got caught looking at it by his wife and he told her it was art LOL.
Another point not being considered is, auto focus digital cameras might refocus, or try to find a new focal point, if the model moves. As far as those Brandi Love pics go John, I would bet my last dollar they were on purpose, to show off some new shoes, or because a fan sent them to her.