who are the worst comedians?

Glenn Beck (and I'm not talking about his Fox"News" show, either) - he really does do stand-up comedy.
people from the States might not of heard of some of these but here it goes:
Carlos Mencia (purely cause of south park)
Al Murry
Jim Davidson
Jo Brand
I think Zach Galifianakis says it all:

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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Dane Cook without a doubt. Someone forced me to watch one of his specials even though I insisted he wasn't funny. I didn't laugh. Not even once. The guy is an idiot.
This thread should be called the worst famouscomedians. I'm sure we have seen some howlers that we can't remember. I try to find hip hop and rap that I can enjoy although I'm hopelessly white in my musical tastes. I had a similar problem with the comedy night at the Apollo and the Russell Simmons presents stuff. I really wanted to like these guys but in the main it was grim. Endless gags about big bums and not going down on your woman. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dane Cook is a workman like performer and not to my taste, but certainly not hte worst. I think my frustration with him and some other name comedians stems from the fact that the masses are giving him their money when there are Bill Hicks/George Carlin/Richard Pryor videos out there.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Chris Rock
Janine Garofolo
Rosie O'Donnell
Bill Maher
Mitch Hedburg
Did I answer this already?

Will Farrell

I agree, this guy is way overrated.

Chris Rock
Janine Garofolo
Rosie O'Donnell
Bill Maher
Mitch Hedburg

the blue collar comedy tour guys

Carlos Mencia

Yes to all of these. I don't know who Mitch Hedburg is, but judging by your list he must suck pretty bad.

I liked Dane Cook when he did stand-up, but the few movies I've seen him in were :sleep:

Oh yeah, and Adam Sandler hasn't been funny since the 90s.