And steals material even more than screaming.
you're blowing my mind right now.
jim carrey's ace ventura stuff, and the mask is shit. truth
but the truman show, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, man on the moon are awesome and he was awesome in them. his dramatic stuff is much better than his comedy. he's also rumoured to be playing cletus cassidy in spiderman 4. that is great casting.
dumb and dumber is gold though.
You hate Jim Carrey but love Jack Black??? I always figured they the same thing, except Jim Carrey can act.
My fav comedians are
Mitch Hedberg
David Cross
Lewis Black
Brian Regan
Well dumb and dumber basically made his career...But yes his serious stuff is great. My fav film of his is The Majestic actually.
Mitch Hedberg has got to be one of the best stand-up comedians I have ever seen.
Some videos for Dane Cook haters.
Mad TV rips on Dane Cook
Louis C.K's opinion of Dane Cook
Bill Hicks on Dane Cook
Dane Cook stealing Demitri Martin's stuff
Dane Cook stealing Louis C.K's stuff.
mike sucks
hedberg would've been huge if he had lived.
If anyone saw the South Park fishsticks episode that came out a week ago they bust on Mencia so bad about stealing jokes!