who are the worst comedians?

Dont be mad cuz Joel is your best friend. I know, you feel compelled to defend him.. but no. He is friggin' horrible compared to mike.. or even the robots. Servo and Crow outdid Joel on almost every joke.

Joel is just.. sorta.. weakly sarcastic. Slow delivery and he sounds like he's about to fall asleep at any moment. Are we watching Midnight Sleep Theater or MYSTERY SCIENCE?! :p

i'm mad at mike cause i rented his book "mike nelson's movie megacheese" from the library and lost it and the library told me it costs $15! the book sucked and mike has an obsessive hatred for jim carrey
Some videos for Dane Cook haters.

Mad TV rips on Dane Cook

Louis C.K's opinion of Dane Cook

Bill Hicks on Dane Cook

Dane Cook stealing Demitri Martin's stuff

Dane Cook stealing Louis C.K's stuff.

that MadTV guy has dane crook down perfectly


Closed Account
Worst stand ups are:

Dane Cook
Carlos Mencia
ANY redneck stand up comedians
and ANY women stand up comedians
i personally thought carot top was probably the worst comedian ever untill i seen his show in vegas at the luxor. hes actually not bad in person. that is untill his props are all used up.... then he kinda goes downhill fast....
Cosby sort of fell off after "Bill Cosby Himself" (which is one of my favorite stand-up acts ever), and I never cared for his show
Carlos Mencia
Dane Cook
Andy Dick
Bob Saget
Seinfeld (loved and still love the show; never cared for his comedy)
Larry the Cable Guy and most of the material of the blue collar guys (Ron White is probably the best of the four, which isn't much of a complement)

Lampanelli (of the people I've met in person who don't like her, I've eventually found out most were sissies who need to grow thicker skin)
Lewis Black (though some of his stuff is less funny than true)
George Carlin (ditto - especially his later years when he stopped the dirty words act and started getting heavier into topical political comedy)
Jim Gaffigan
Drew Hastings

I have a whole list of some who are part good, part bad. Perhaps another thread.
Bottom Five Individual Comedians
  1. Steve Martin (sorry this is not a generational thing, he just sucks, period, in any universe, any time, anything, most unfunny, yet somehow highly rated comedian evar!)
  2. Robin Williams (sorry this might be a generational thing, maybe)
  3. Dane Cook
  4. Gallagher/Gallagher II
  5. Ben Stiller

Bottom Five Comic Types
  1. 90% of all comediennes ever (women comedians)
  2. Singing Comedians
  3. Prop-Comics/Ventriloquist
  4. Redneck/Hill Billy/Cowboy/etc. Comedians
  5. Family friendly comedians
Bottom Five Individual Comedians
  1. Steve Martin (sorry this is not a generational thing, he just sucks, period, in any universe, any time, anything, most unfunny, yet somehow highly rated comedian evar!)
  2. Robin Williams (sorry this might be a generational thing, maybe)
  3. Dane Cook
  4. Gallagher/Gallagher II
  5. Ben Stiller

Bottom Five Comic Types
  1. 90% of all comediennes ever (women comedians)
  2. Singing Comedians
  3. Prop-Comics/Ventriloquist
  4. Redneck/Hill Billy/Cowboy/etc. Comedians
  5. Family friendly comedians

no way. steve martin's comedy albums in the 70s were great
I saw the pilot for Surviving Suburbia.. Bob Saget is absolutely fucking hilarious!

people who use the words bob saget and hilarious together should be slapped with a fish
That he does. I was fortunate enough to see him with Stephen Lynch about a month before he died. Great comedian.

Demitri Martin reminds me of Hedberg. A lot of one/two liners based on their everyday thoughts.

That sounds like one great show... and i totally agree about Demitri Martin, i kinda feel that Hedberg was his inspiration...
Frank Caliendo- if I had to watch his nauseating John Madden or George W impressions one more time during football season, I was going to shoot the TV.

Most of this stuff comes and goes for me.

And I like both Joel and Mike from MST3K- I give Mike a bit of an edge because he was better on camera, but there was something really funny in Joel's understated way of doing things. Trace was good as Crow, but Bill Corbett was great.

I know, it's all just an opinion thing.

Dane Cook. Carlos Mencia. Gallagher. (Even though I used to like him years ago. Don't laugh. It's not funny. And neither he is.)