who are the worst comedians?

Here are the comics I HATE!!!
1http://board.freeones.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=3115243. Jim Carrey--complete shitard
2. Ray Romano--complete shitard
3. Adam Sandler--complete douchebag, though a genius on SNL....
4. Andy Dick--sorry, I just don't "get him"
5. Seth Rogan--so little talent, so few laughs...just fatness is all he has?

The Geniuses of Comedy
1. Jack Black
2. John Stewart
3. Lewis Black
4. Bill Mahrer
5. Tina Fey

You hate Jim Carrey but love Jack Black??? I always figured they the same thing, except Jim Carrey can act.

My fav comedians are

Mitch Hedberg
David Cross
Lewis Black
Brian Regan
yeah seth rogen sucks too as far as movie comedians go. will ferrell too
You hate Jim Carrey but love Jack Black??? I always figured they the same thing, except Jim Carrey can act.

Jim Carrey is a sham and an idiot. Jack Black is a genius. They really have nothing in common. Jim Carrey can't act. Hell, if he could act, maybe he'd be tolerable:dunno:


Closed Account
I saw the pilot for Surviving Suburbia.. Bob Saget is absolutely fucking hilarious!
there are 2 kinds of people in the world: dane cook haters and retards
Jim Carrey is a sham and an idiot. Jack Black is a genius. They really have nothing in common. Jim Carrey can't act. Hell, if he could act, maybe he'd be tolerable:dunno:

you're blowing my mind right now.

jim carrey's ace ventura stuff, and the mask is shit. truth

but the truman show, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, man on the moon are awesome and he was awesome in them. his dramatic stuff is much better than his comedy. he's also rumoured to be playing cletus cassidy in spiderman 4. that is great casting.

dumb and dumber is gold though.


Lost at Birth
dane cook and carlos mencia annoy the fuck out of me. and i'd like to keep the fuck in me, thank you very much.

You hate Jim Carrey but love Jack Black??? I always figured they the same thing, except Jim Carrey can act.

My fav comedians are

Mitch Hedberg
David Cross
Lewis Black
Brian Regan

:thumbsup: for the hedberg mention, i love his stuff! lewis cracks me up on "XM" but never saw his show.
Jim Carrey is a sham and an idiot. Jack Black is a genius. They really have nothing in common. Jim Carrey can't act. Hell, if he could act, maybe he'd be tolerable:dunno:

Jim Carrey is way more talented than Jack Black. One thing the new King Kong movie told us was that Jack Black is not yet capable of serious acting, although, he almost always seems to do well in comedy. However, as far as comic dialog delivery goes, Jim Carrey easily beats Jack Black. And yes, I am a fan of both of these actors.


It's good to be the king...
Jim Davidson - can't stand him......:mad:
I can safely say I hate Dane Cook more than anyone else, MUCH more. I don't think Jerry Seinfeld's stand up shit is good, but I can't say I dislike him at all because I love the show.

did dane cook fuck your girlfriend? i dislike him but you really hate the guy


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Dane Cook, Andy Dick, and Jack Black.
Cook is a douchebag, and Jack Black is the same character in every movie he has no range.
Also the fat kid from Waiting,he had his own show on mtv....not funny.
Dane Cook, Andy Dick, and Jack Black.
Cook is a douchebag, and Jack Black is the same character in every movie he has no range.
Also the fat kid from Waiting,he had his own show on mtv....not funny.

This is only 99% true.He was really good in King Kong and didn't act like the typical goofball that he does in every other movie.

The fat kid is Andy Milonakis and his show was the absolute worst comedy show that I've ever seen.