White Americans no longer a majority by 2042


Hiliary 2020
In other words, the 'Founding Fathers' were hypocrites.
Good post (and thread) though Friday.

As for this thread's subject, my respose is: GOOD.

whats so good about it? are you anti white?

I guess white folks just ain't reproducing much these days because #1 they are single and working so damn much to barely survive due to the overwhelming tax burden combined with the incredible inflation rate and have no time to find a mate or #2 couples ain't reproducing because they are working so damn much to barely survive due to the overwhelming tax burden combined with the incredible inflation rate and they just don't have the time and money to start a family.
meanwhile, those who are reproducing at a very fast rate don't have these problems because they don't work much if at all, they don't pay taxes aside from sales tax and inflation is no problem because the government handouts they live off of are adjusted to the cost of living increase.
whats ironic is the reproducing are living of the sacrifices of non reproducing
the result, an extinction of a race.
And you say good............what I say to you will get me banned for life.

" So be wary, please, my gentle friends of all the skins you breed
They have a nasty habit, that is they bite the hand that feeds"
I wonder if i will be able to get a job easier

lol. Well, once caucasions are a minority, wouldn't that make sense? :D

whats so good about it? are you anti white?

I guess white folks just ain't reproducing much these days because #1 they are single and working so damn much to barely survive due to the overwhelming tax burden combined with the incredible inflation rate and have no time to find a mate or #2 couples ain't reproducing because they are working so damn much to barely survive due to the overwhelming tax burden combined with the incredible inflation rate and they just don't have the time and money to start a family.
meanwhile, those who are reproducing at a very fast rate don't have these problems because they don't work much if at all, they don't pay taxes aside from sales tax and inflation is no problem because the government handouts they live off of are adjusted to the cost of living increase.
whats ironic is the reproducing are living of the sacrifices of non reproducing
the result, an extinction of a race.
And you say good............what I say to you will get me banned for life.

" So be wary, please, my gentle friends of all the skins you breed
They have a nasty habit, that is they bite the hand that feeds"

whats so good about it?
What's so bad about it?
A more diverse culture is good. I want the world to become a giant melting pot where everyone is multi racial with no racism.
are you anti white?
I hope not since I am white.
meanwhile, those who are reproducing at a very fast rate don't have these problems because they don't work much if at all, they don't pay taxes aside from sales tax and inflation is no problem because the government handouts they live off of are adjusted to the cost of living increase.
whats ironic is the reproducing are living of the sacrifices of non reproducing
the result, an extinction of a race.
I am not saying this to provoke you, but simply because I believe it to be so: this maybe the most racist sounding post I have read on here by a member with over 1,000 posts.


Hiliary 2020
What's so bad about it?
A more diverse culture is good. I want the world to become a giant melting pot where everyone is multi racial with no racism. I hope not since I am white.
I am not saying this to provoke you, but simply because I believe it to be so: this maybe the most racist sounding post I have read on here by a member with over 1,000 posts.

its cool LPB, your'e not provoking. i respect your right to opinions.
racial yes, racist no.
the thread is racial, about race right?
My opinions and beliefs are formed by what I've seen in my 37 years here on planet earth, more precisely, New Jersey USA.
In my time I saw very few white people having many children, many or even most having none.
I have seen in these years just the opposite from most non whites, combiined with an incredibly high rate of non white immigration to the US.

If this is not the case , then the population projection stated in the article/study would not be true.
I'm just trying to understand why its true. causes/effects.
The effect is White Americans no longer a majority by 2042.....however to me opinions of whether this is good or bad are irrelevent.
I want to understand the causes. Another words. Why?
I think I already know, based on what I've seen throughout my life.
If anybody has proof to the contrary, please share.
in your previous post you kept saying 'they' in reference to faster procreating, non-whites. You described their reasons for faster procreation in a very derogatory manner.
I stand behind my description of your previous post.

BTW, it's not 'us' and 'they'. This isn't 1961. We are all 'us'.
What's so bad about it?
A more diverse culture is good. I want the world to become a giant melting pot where everyone is multi racial with no racism. I hope not since I am white.

America is already perhaps the most diverse nation on the planet. http://projectusa.org/arguments/eight-diversity-is-our-strength/

in your previous post you kept saying 'they' in reference to faster procreating, non-whites. You described their reasons for faster procreation in a very derogatory manner.
I stand behind my description of your previous post.

BTW, it's not 'us' and 'they'. This isn't 1961. We are all 'us'.

Illegal aliens do their best to make sure they have a few "anchor babies" to keep the ship at bay. And how is Meester's previous post "racist"? Care to elaborate? Or is that just another bullshit claim you make to divert the subject from the real issues? :dunno:
America is already perhaps the most diverse nation on the planet. http://projectusa.org/arguments/eight-diversity-is-our-strength/

Illegal aliens do their best to make sure they have a few "anchor babies" to keep the ship at bay. And how is Meester's previous post "racist"? Care to elaborate? Or is that just another bullshit claim you make to divert the subject from the real issues? :dunno:

Ninetysix were not stupid lol.When Mr P talks about "they" don't work and "they" don't pay taxes we know who he means.And at the end he says if he really said what he would like to he would be banned.Use all the "code words" you want ,we get who and what you mean.I am from Jersey too like him and have seen a lot of his posts complaining about people on welfare and such.Those aren't immigrants he is talking about it's native blacks he means.Not that he is in favor on immigration I'm sure.I'm not shocked or surprised by what I read here,been exposed to all of it lot longer than you guys have and none of it is new.I'm fine with you guys expressing your views as much as I might disagree with them.But we get who you guys consider "real americans", you made it clear.I won't even say you guys are that far out of what a lot of people think,most just won't say it like they used to.And if they do they use different words like "they".Were making progress on seeing each other as really more alike then different with the differences being insignificant but like a lot things we still have long way to go and lots of eyes and hearts to open yet.:2 cents:
This is going to confuse a lot of people. I mean now that whiteys not going to be holding anyone down what are people going to use as an excuse for their shortcomings? :rolleyes:
Ninetysix were not stupid lol.When Mr P talks about "they" don't work and "they" don't pay taxes we know who he means.And at the end he says if he really said what he would like to he would be banned.Use all the "code words" you want ,we get who and what you mean.I am from Jersey too like him and have seen a lot of his posts complaining about people on welfare and such.Those aren't immigrants he is talking about it's native blacks he means.Not that he is in favor on immigration I'm sure.I'm not shocked or surprised by what I read here,been exposed to all of it lot longer than you guys have and none of it is new.I'm fine with you guys expressing your views as much as I might disagree with them.But we get who you guys consider "real americans", you made it clear.I won't even say you guys are that far out of what a lot of people think,most just won't say it like they used to.And if they do they use different words like "they".Were making progress on seeing each other as really more alike then different with the differences being insignificant but like a lot things we still have long way to go and lots of eyes and hearts to open yet.:2 cents:

The state i'm in right now has people of all colors on welfare. I think welfare is a good tool, as long as it doesn't reward people that have fifteen babies without fathers, and as long as they aren't lifers. I think after 2 or 3 with no means of support, they should be cut off. However, I'm actually pretty liberal on the subject in addition to school pell grants and such. It works, as long as people move on and are productive in society. 5 years max, I think.

Eventually I think higher education should be free, particularly for those of us who are several generations Americans (no illegals whatsoever)...and for those that apply themselves! That means a minimum of probably no less than 3.50 at the Comm. College level. That's not asking too much for lower level classes at school. I got a lot higher than that and I didn't feel challenged at all. Maybe I should have applied for some Ivy-League schools. :1orglaugh

However, I think if you don't have the intelectual fortitude to maintain certain levels at Comm. College you just shouldn't be there. :2 cents:
It should be obvious.
No, I don't see it. Plus from what I know dude lives in Columbia, so your claim is worth nothing.

And I take that back, higher education isn't a partisan issue - just because you think it should be available to everyone doesn't mean you are dem or pub - it's a common sense issue. It's just common sense to send kids to school if they have the intelectual capacity and are committed. Of course, I'm not an economist or anything so it just might not be possible. :dunno:
I blame religion and white people for this. Think about it. They are the one's that forced everyone to convert or die to a belief that people should "be fruitful and mutliply" till they fill up every square inch of the earth and then jesus will rapture all of them up to heaven.

And they're still doing it! When's the last time You saw an athiest that had six kids?
meanwhile, those who are reproducing at a very fast rate don't have these problems because they don't work much if at all, they don't pay taxes aside from sales tax and inflation is no problem because the government handouts they live off of are adjusted to the cost of living increase.

I am not saying this to provoke you, but simply because I believe it to be so: this maybe the most racist sounding post I have read on here by a member with over 1,000 posts.

I don’t know if Mr P is raciest but it sure is anecdotal evidence in that it’s a casual observations rather than rigorous or scientific analysis. It’s a case of an ideology that frames expectation of a situations so that believing is seeing what you expect regardless of the facts. More rigorous examinations show that such behavior is class based not race based. The lower class of all societies exhibit such behavior. The lower class “white trash” are just as bad as lower class people of color.

On the plus side, if whites become the minority then the incidence of skin cancer should greatly decrease freeing up medical resources for other medical needs. :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
in regard to the two excerpts in question that YMI posted.
I won't defend what as I said as being racist or not.
I wont pull a Michael Richards, I'm not a racist defense.
The fact is that in the somewhat near future whites will be a minority in the U.S. , we all agree on that.
One obvious reason is massive immigration both legal and illegal.
another is that many of these immigrants reproduce at a much higher rate than whites.
That is fact, and to deny this is, well denial.
Now this is where the racial accusation comes from:
The social welfare system in the U.S. is set up for the children.
Its fact, the more children an unmarried woman has, the more programs she is eligible for, another words more free stuff that someone, not them had to work for.
These programs promote reproduction, and inhibit reproduction from those who are not on the recieving end, to deny that is denial also.
And yes, while many of these " reproducers" are white, many are also black and hispanics, and in the hispanic sector of these reproducers, most are Mexican because that is what the highest percent of hispanics in the U.S. are.
With these factors you get " White Americans no longer a majority by 2042".
I don't think I'm being racist yet in this post.
So lets be honest, if anything I've written in the posts I made here is not reality, then why are whites becoming the minority in the near future?
Somebody give me another reason, another factor why this is happening.
Excuse Me Sirs/Madams, I've a very basic question to ask. Isn't White American in itself a misnomer?

It is the history of the world. Immigration made the world that is known today.

Humanity developed in one place of the world, if the Genome researches to be believed. Then, the entire world was populated by the 'homo sapiens' by immigration. I know it's difficult to think of the end of a race. But that has never happened. It has evoluted in a different culture. Think of the Jarawas, they have already been almost wiped out in the Sumatra Tsunami. The few, about 15 to 20 has changed so much that it is unbelievable.