White Americans no longer a majority by 2042


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Open season on mongo: DOUBLE POSTING BASTARD! j/k

Agreed. Whites are the only ones who can get called on it. Immigrants are bad for business even if that business temporarily makes a profit with the lower wages.
The only problem I have with this issue is that many immigrants these days don't seem to assimilate... in my area, there are cities where different ethnic/nationals live amongst themselves.

I think what always made America great is that people that came here throughout the last 200+ years wanted to be AMERICAN. I just don't see that as much these days, and I'm afraid that lack of a binding social tie will eventually be our undoing.
Dammit I only clicked once, my connection is screwy in here.

Yes, failure to assimilate is a huge problem in Australia. There are many areas belonging distinctly to one ethnicity, to the extent where the even the street signs are not in English. To me it kind of defeats the purpose of living in another country, but it also definitely breeds inter-racial violence.
1) Why does it seem that people in America who want to retain their "look," culture and heritage percieved as xenophobic or racist?

My question would be why isn't that to be considered xenophobic and racist? And later I will get into which culture you are really trying to preserve since in the 250 years or so america has been here it has already changed .

2) If this were a different country like China, Liberia or Mexico (who, from what I understand, imprison people who violate their southern border), and they wanted to retain their "look," culture and racial demographics, would they be labled racist? If not, is that fair?

I have no knowledge of such things in China or Liberia but lets address mexico.First I would say are you sure their border policy is based on preserving culture? I ask that since I would imagine many of the people to the south of them share a similar culture and look.Might it be that since they are not a rich country that they just feel like they can not absorb these people since they have little economic opportunitys for them.

That's not the point though, is it. Hypocracy is the issue there. At its finest. Look at Mexico's Constitution for hypocracy. It's there.

3) Are those countries actively taking measures to make sure that they do retain the aforementioned aspects of their country?

I have no idea,do you?

Look at their demographic. Look at China's and look at Liberia. They're not going out of their way to embrace "diversity."

4) Who were the people that created America and are they at fault for cherishing their decendents and what they contributed to America? Should that give them any more of a voice than some free-loader from south-of-the-border, or should/do they have just as much a voice in modern America?

This is the one I really wanted to address.First just who exactly were the people that built america in your mind. Was it the original protestants or did the the black slaves and the spanish who many have been here centuries and then later the waves of catholic immigrants from europe that came later participate in this building of america? And when you call the new immigrants "freeloaders" that is really a cheap shot that gives fuel to the arguement that you are being biased in your view here.The truth is these people overwhelmingly work very hard at low wages just as every other immgrant group before them did.

No comment. I've commented on it before and you know the thesis. Run a serach on Hoover Dam working conditions and see how well lower class whites were treated in creating America. (Hint: They worked for poor wages and even poorer working conditions.)

5) Why are people advocating that people minimalize their families but at the same time advocating for droves of foreigners to enter at the same time, when they know they most likely don't have the same ideals for the direction of America?

Those are just a few things that come to mind. Somehow I get the feeling that certain groups of people are having a real laugh.

And finally the real issue is that this is going to happen whether you like the idea or not.Obviously I guess as it does it will upset you to no end which is unfortunate.I think eventually you will find that these people are not all that different than you or all the other people who were once newcummers.America is and will be always a melting pot,some have always resisted the changes and I guess some always will.

I haven't rejected change. I still live in the same neighborhood that I did when I was a kid. It's about as diverse as it gets. But...keep gloating, and you'll find less and less sympathy from the masses then you already have. :)
Dammit I only clicked once, my connection is screwy in here.

Yes, failure to assimilate is a huge problem in Australia. There are many areas belonging distinctly to one ethnicity, to the extent where the even the street signs are not in English. To me it kind of defeats the purpose of living in another country, but it also definitely breeds inter-racial violence.

I agree with your assessment, and I don't understand it myself... and yeah, I travel a lot for work and have heard similar things from other Aussies.


Hiliary 2020
As long as the majority doesn't slaughter us .
Wouldn't want to see something similar to the L.A. riots of 92, but on a nationwide scale.
The only problem I have with this issue is that many immigrants these days don't seem to assimilate... in my area, there are cities where different ethnic/nationals live amongst themselves.

I think what always made America great is that people that came here throughout the last 200+ years wanted to be AMERICAN. I just don't see that as much these days, and I'm afraid that lack of a binding social tie will eventually be our undoing.

What you describe, the new immigrants congregating together into their own communitys upon 1st arriving is nothing new at all.There were several cities a 100 years ago with little Italys,Irish conclaves,China towns and so on.Give them a genreation or two and then they move on is the pattern .That is the american way! A nation of immigrants thank you very much.All this xenophobia about changing the culture was heard then as well.Its not the people that change the culture its the culture that changes them.Where I live we now have a lot of Indians amd Pakistanis.Should have seen the gangs of cute little kids coming around at halloween trick or treating.Guarantee that is something new for them.Will they hold on to some of the old countrys stuff,probably just like the catholics kept their religion.That didnt stop them from overall being almost just like everyone else pretty quickly and won't stop these people eithier.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Just look at Jamaica! One Love, One People.


Do you suppose we'll stop hearing about 'minority rights' then?
god I hope so.

America has ALWAYS been based on immigrants... but in the past immigrants were assimilated into the society, whereas we see more press today to remain separate.

The biggest problems with ACLU push for prayer/ religion etc is that it has twisted the courts, which are to protect the minority from harm while maintaining majority rule... that is, one kid whose parents claim he/she/it are embarrassed by not saying the pledge of allegniance (rather than by their overly controlling demanding & selfish assholes of parents) lead to none of the kids getting to do what they've done...

that's wrong. But it's already happening so new voices/ ideas/ colors in the US won't change that...

only when we as citizens realize that the goal of Hillary, John 'screw my wife' Edwards, & anyone else offering to have the government 'give' us anything are only doing it to shore up their own power, and that while Al Gore wants you & I to use one square of toilet paper in an un air conditioned shanty before going to work on a bike, he is happy to buy 'carbon offsets' & live the lavish life of pleasure he has not truly diminished...

that is, & it's true of people on both sides of the aisle, those in power in America today are not interested in what is best for the poor or their constituents or their country... only what benefits them. Compared to the end results fof our first politicians, who signed the Declaration of Independence, the attitude & exess are deplorable, & maybe someone from outside our nation can come up with a means to get the US back on the right track.

so i look forward to the time when it cannot be said that i am 'putting down' anyone based on the sheer number of people who sort of kind of look like me...
yeah, white Americans sure have it to rough don't they?

Why is it that the people who say "America, love it or leave it" never stop complaining about it? take your own advice. you won't be missed.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What's so bad that a different skin tone got majority, we're all of the same race: Homo Sapiens=Bi-Pedal Primates.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
What's so bad that a different skin tone got majority, we're all of the same race: Homo Sapiens=Bi-Pedal Primates.


::cough:: Now that THAT is outta the way.. all of us on this planet are BROTHERS! BROTHERS DIVIDED, NOT UNITED! And.. some of our brothers like the cow and chicken.. are friggin' tasty.

So while all this feel-good rhetoric is nice and all..

No. We're not the same at all, even if our skin is the same shade or if we live in the same city. Our unique persona, background and preferences seperate us by something vastly more different than RACE.

America itself is a melting pot, and some of us that're thrown in that pot dont take kindly to the hot sensation that means what is mine blurs into yours.. what you are infiltrates into me. Which sounds like someone's idea of utopia.. but to a lotta other people.. that's like you stepping onto my property and I pull the handgun on you before telling you to get back on your side.

What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours. Respect each other's rights and privacy.. sound good? People have a right to racial pride and closing off their circle to outsiders. It's just human to do so. Hell, we're building a fence on the bottom half of our country! lmao
that is, & it's true of people on both sides of the aisle, those in power in America today are not interested in what is best for the poor or their constituents or their country... only what benefits them. Compared to the end results fof our first politicians, who signed the Declaration of Independence, the attitude & exess are deplorable, & maybe someone from outside our nation can come up with a means to get the US back on the right track.

While the founders had some nice good ideals they put to paper unfortunately thats all it was for many, something on paper.At that time only white men were given any rights.No vote for women,kept the institution of slavery and many of them held slaves themselves.Wasn't until the 20th century that some real equality for others was achieved.So I think the people that did that are to be held in at least as high esteem as the founders are.We have come a long way and almost all of it has been for the better in terms of social justice since the founding.
I don't care what the racial makeup of the country is today or what it will be in 50 years.

I only care about the "quality of Americans" and the quality of life IN America.

Our country today more resembles a 3rd world country than it did 50 years ago. 50 years ago, it looked like we were on the path to a MODERN, CLEAN, UTOPIAN Dreamstate..with powerful city centers and accessible technology.

Today..we are a nation of foreclosures, ridiculously big cookie-cutter McMansions on postage stamp lots, strip malled eyesore shopping centers, fast food blight and Big Box Retailers selling us cheap, Chinese shit "on Sale!"

We used to have the best public education system in the world. The best higher education system in the world. The best hospitals in the world. The best food in the world.

The blame for America's troubles can be located with Corporations on a globalization rampage and Crony Politicians who either want a dysfunctional, broken central gov't or manipulate Gov't to serve the Few and the Corporation above "the people."

We should seriously think about halting all immigration in this country for 15 years. We don't need anymore citizens or workers. We have plenty of workers here. We need companies to offer fairer wages and we need them to realize that profiteering at the expense of country is not a wise longterm business strategy.

We need to automatically offer amnesty to everyone we have here. We need a revised tax structure. I'll give the Companies less taxes as long as they stop outsourcing factories and manufacturing.

We need a new way to fund public education so our minority enclave citizens (people who live in Barrios, Ghettoes and poor whites) feel like they actually DO HAVE opportunities for advancement.

We need to rediscover what it means to BE AMERICAN. Simply watching the Olympics isn't enough.


I don't know if that was meant for me but I think it might be.:)
So if you look at the thread on the Georgian thing I do say all sanctions should be used to deter the Russians short of military action.Are you willing to go to war with Russia over it? If you are then your the one who needs some meds.:1orglaugh
And are you willing to say that any country no matter what their form of govt who invades another without it being in their own defense is a tyranny?
If so then I expect you to denounce the US invasion of Iraq, or do you have a double standard for the US? The only criticims I have seen you make of the invasion is that it has not been prosecuted harshly enough which is hardly condemning it. ,not that that really matters to the people they are sending tanks into.
No not specifically for you.

No not go to war with Russia ! Begin a draft and make men out of these guy's who decided to drop out of high school. The drop out rate is 50% +/- in some regions of the nation. Get 'em trained . . . put an M 4 around their necks . .give 'em a ceramic vest . . extend a hand to the govts of any nation projected to be threatened by the coms. Maybe we can make some men out of these kids ! Sure beats being a dumbed down weasel roaming the streets with their pants fallin down.

Do nothing and we'll be lunch.

And BTW the russians are no longer communist in fact they even have elections
"Are you now or have you ever been a member of the ••••••••• ••••• ?"

Russia has elections like Zimbabwe and Venezuela have elections.

WADR - I wasn't born yesterday.
huh? what does this thread have to do with Russia? or did I read the article wrong?
While the founders had some nice good ideals they put to paper unfortunately thats all it was for many, something on paper.At that time only white men were given any rights.No vote for women,kept the institution of slavery and many of them held slaves themselves.Wasn't until the 20th century that some real equality for others was achieved.So I think the people that did that are to be held in at least as high esteem as the founders are.We have come a long way and almost all of it has been for the better in terms of social justice since the founding.

In other words, the 'Founding Fathers' were hypocrites.
Good post (and thread) though Friday.

As for this thread's subject, my respose is: GOOD.