White Americans no longer a majority by 2042


Come to think of it, he kind of does remind me of McRocket in a lot of ways.
For the record, since you all seem so obsessed with this Mcrocket, I am not Mcrocket.

But judging from the comments about him (I can't find his posts and he's not listed in the 'Members' area) and the people making those comments; I like his style....
I liked him. but then we usually disagree with the same people, when it comes to politics.


Staff member
For the record, since you all seem so obsessed with this Mcrocket, I am not Mcrocket.

But judging from the comments about him (I can't find his posts and he's not listed in the 'Members' area) and the people making those comments; I like his style....

An IP check can tell us who you really are because he was living in Canada but also claimed that he has lived in the USA. You have the same way on dealing with political subjects than him.
This is going to confuse a lot of people. I mean now that whiteys not going to be holding anyone down what are people going to use as an excuse for their shortcomings? :rolleyes:

Oh, hold the phone, I COMPLETELY misread/misunderstood that comment. I thought you were talking about racist whites using any and every non-white Other as a scapegoat for their problem.
I see now that you were dismissing white on non-white racism as just a myth.


You're digressing. Jews are white and they are included in the statistics we are talking about in this thread.

Well, I DID misread scurlock's comment, but MY point is relevant to the discussion at hand. My point is that people who belong to the majority in-group that's in power or possesses an advantage (in the case of the USA and Poland, that's whites) will continue to scapegoat minorities even when they all but cease to exist within their country.

ninetysix, you should also do some serious research on the history of whiteness in the U.S., and see how various ethnic groups (incl. Irish, Italians, Poles, and yes, Jews) were determined to be white or non-white at various points in history. It's honestly fascinating.



What about "Londonistan" ?

There are even discussions about a Moscowistan !!!!

This is not unique to 'merika !

We could always convert to islam, where everybody is equal and there is no racial divide. .
no separation between mosque and state ! :tongue:


Another thought -

I've found that the individuals who seem to welcome "progress" and /or "change" have created their own misery, a subconscious conformity, if you will, always looking for a device to throttle their "opponent(s) with, in this case, race based guilt i.e. the accusation of racism.

The same old mantra, over and over and over !
Repeat the big lie ! repeat repeat repeat.

Get lives for yourselves and stop obsessing about your misery !
Turn off the cable ! Tell Blitz King goodbye ! Get out of the house ! Rip up the foodstamps !!
Oust the communistic tendencies !!!!!

:D :thumbsup:
ninetysix, you should also do some serious research on the history of whiteness in the U.S., and see how various ethnic groups (incl. Irish, Italians, Poles, and yes, Jews) were determined to be white or non-white at various points in history. It's honestly fascinating.


I took quite a few lower level history classes at school. I realize how balkanization was in 19th and 20th century America and how Irish were treated like dirt and how everyone stuck to their own, and how "native" Americans disliked immigrants that were essentially just as caucasoid as they were. I understand, but this is entirely different now.

(I actually thought about a history major for a little bit because I like history, but I don't want to be stuck teaching 9th graders for the rest of my life.) :uohs:
Another thought -

I've found that the individuals who seem to welcome "progress" and /or "change" have created their own misery, a subconscious conformity, if you will, always looking for a device to throttle their "opponent(s) with, in this case, race based guilt i.e. the accusation of racism.

The same old mantra, over and over and over !
Repeat the big lie ! repeat repeat repeat.

Get lives for yourselves and stop obsessing about your misery !
Turn off the cable ! Tell Blitz King goodbye ! Get out of the house ! Rip up the foodstamps !!
Oust the communistic tendencies !!!!!

:D :thumbsup:

When you can't defend a position a tried and true tactic is to attack.And make prepostorous unfounded statements.The tactic of the "Big lie" invented by Dr.Goebells(nazi proganda minister) is surely at work here.But who utilizes it? The person that denys discrimination against minoritys,the person who denys the damage that is being done to the enviorment,the person who finds obscure right wing congress people who are trying to block something as sensible as a lightbulb that utilizes 80% less electricity or the people who are trying to wake up people as much as they can to the reality that such things are for the common good such as trying to do whatever we can to do less damage to the enviorment,to promote equal justice and equality.No its clear what the "big lies" we see here are,global warming is a hoax (supposedly a leftwing one to punish america for some unknown reason) and that its now whites who are or soon to be the oppressed.Not only are those lies, they are ridiculous lies at that.But that is how the "Big lie " works,so big that some actually think there must be something to it.But over time most people see what the agenda's are and truth does win out.;)
or the people who are trying to wake up people as much as they can to the reality that such things are for the common good

Not that I'm disagreeing with all of what your saying, because I don't, but I could play devil's advocate and say that that statement about the common good has been used in history to cause as much damage as the other things you mentioned. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, especially when combined with shortsightedness or tunnel vision. Not to mention there are people out there that think it's ok to fix things from the past with two wrongs making a right.


Hiliary 2020
just when I thought I was out............

I gotta say, I don't think LPJ IS MCROCKET, although from what I remember of that guy I can't see him not trying to open a new account.
In fact, he's probably lurking among us, Like some tacky little pamphlet. In your daddy's bottom drawer.
So, here's a question for those of you who are really disturbed by this news of the ethnic/racial demographic shift in the U.S.

If the U.S. completely sealed its borders (and I presume that should be done at the Canadian border too, as no one wants white Canadians to enter illegally, either) and we ceased all immigration, and THEN, gradually over time, simply by shifting birth rates, whites became the minority, would THIS bother you too?


When you can't defend a position a tried and true tactic is to attack.And make prepostorous unfounded statements.The tactic of the "Big lie" invented by Dr.Goebells(nazi proganda minister) is surely at work here.But who utilizes it? The person that denys discrimination against minoritys,the person who denys the damage that is being done to the enviorment,the person who finds obscure right wing congress people who are trying to block something as sensible as a lightbulb that utilizes 80% less electricity or the people who are trying to wake up people as much as they can to the reality that such things are for the common good such as trying to do whatever we can to do less damage to the enviorment,to promote equal justice and equality.No its clear what the "big lies" we see here are,global warming is a hoax (supposedly a leftwing one to punish america for some unknown reason) and that its now whites who are or soon to be the oppressed.Not only are those lies, they are ridiculous lies at that.But that is how the "Big lie " works,so big that some actually think there must be something to it.But over time most people see what the agenda's are and truth does win out.;)

I have held a job steadily since I was fifteen years old and I will attest that, with all due respect, your assertion that anglos are collectively guilty of racist tendencies, well you're full of shit ! I do know of and have personally experienced areas of my work history where I was racially harrassed by others when I happened to be the lone euro - Am on the construction crew ! I've even been to jail a few times (DUI - once and possession - another) and I experienced extreme contempt there. Did I cry about it ? :crying:

I have yet to witness ANY racism perped against a minority student, minority fellow employee or otherwise NEVER !. IT'S NOT TOLERATED ! It's a symbol of a low life ! PERIOD ! If you worked, you would know this !!!! :rolleyes:

Just because I object to illegal immigration (a problem that creates shortages of goods and services for AMERICAN needy people, incidentally) does not mean that people are being discriminated against.
Got to Mexico with your white ass and overheat your car . . you may not return home. Come to America as a "minority", illegal or otherwise and overheat your car and the Highway Patrol will likely give you a ride to a location of your choice, legally licensed to drive or not, they're treated like a kings !

Enough of your agitation !

You're all political. There's no compassion in your writings. You're a cold block of concrete ! You're using "minorities" as a convenient scapegoat to carry out your political ill will.

Have you anything positive for us today ? A single word ? Didn't think so. There's got to be other places where you can reach more people than you do here. :dunno:
I don't even have time to proof read . . Time to go to the jobsite :tongue:
So, here's a question for those of you who are really disturbed by this news of the ethnic/racial demographic shift in the U.S.

If the U.S. completely sealed its borders (and I presume that should be done at the Canadian border too, as no one wants white Canadians to enter illegally, either) and we ceased all immigration, and THEN, gradually over time, simply by shifting birth rates, whites became the minority, would THIS bother you too?

Would this bother you? Seeing as though you most likely are on the side of those that advocate lowering birthrates, does it bother you that the one group that is flooding our country is the one group that procreates the most? :dunno:
I have held a job steadily since I was fifteen years old and I will attest that, with all due respect, your assertion that anglos are collectively guilty of racist tendencies, well you're full of shit ! I do know of and have personally experienced areas of my work history where I was racially harrassed by others when I happened to be the lone euro - Am on the construction crew ! I've even been to jail a few times (DUI - once and possession - another) and I experienced extreme contempt there. Did I cry about it ?

I have yet to witness ANY racism perped against a minority student, minority fellow employee or otherwise NEVER !. IT'S NOT TOLERATED ! It's a symbol of a low life ! PERIOD ! If you worked, you would know this !!!!
Not that it really is that relevant my work history is very similar to that except here at least you had to wait till you were 16 to work legally,but I'm older so have had a head start on ya.And if you have never seen discrimimation in your life besides it being directed at yourself then you are just using tunnel vision.I seem to remember a post you had long time ago when you spoke of being a manager and doing hiring which I can relate too as being in that position several times myself.You mentioned how you would hire some hispanics and some of them eithier would not show up again after the 1st day or even didn't return from lunch on the 1st day and used that as some evidence they did not wish to work or something.What you are failing to see is the reason they did not return was you lol.They got a load of who the boss was and said ok I don't need this or any job that bad.:eek:

Just because I object to illegal immigration (a problem that creates shortages of goods and services for AMERICAN needy people, incidentally) does not mean that people are being discriminated against.
Got to Mexico with your white ass and overheat your car . . you may not return home. Come to America as a "minority", illegal or otherwise and overheat your car and the Highway Patrol will likely give you a ride to a location of your choice, legally licensed to drive or not, they're treated like a kings !
Its not just mexicans ya know who enter the country illegally although they may be the largest group.But they are the only group you rail about.Were there needy americans when the Irish (who btw there are about 50,000 over staying their visa's now) and Italian immigration waves came over a hundred years ago,of course there were.And were there native americans who were very angered and resented the new immigrants at the time ,again for sure there were.I fail to see much difference in the situations.

You're all political. There's no compassion in your writings. You're a cold block of concrete ! You're using "minorities" as a convenient scapegoat to carry out your political ill will.

Have you anything positive for us today ? A single word ? Didn't think so. There's got to be other places where you can reach more people than you do here. :dunno:
I don't even have time to proof read . . Time to go to the jobsite :tongue:

I think it is you who are much more negative.While I have not been thrilled by the current crop of presidential candidates as an example you have not seen me really attack any of them the way you have.While you attack all of them,not one of them or any politician for that matter has any virtue apparently in your eyes.No one I guess is on the extreme right enough to suit you.No candidate that denys global warming,says round up the mexicans,and were tired of hearing about systemic discrimination must really be depressing for you.
And if you look at the thread called "what are you afraid of" I offered a very positive rebuttal to the people who said they were "scared" if Obama became president in which I said that I am not afraid of McCain being president as even if he does "positive change" would be coming anyway with the new much larger majoritys the dems will have in both houses which is something you can bet the ranch on while Obama is more of a long shot.
No it is you who show little compassion to the overwhelmingly hard working decent people who have come from mexico.Did you see my post that showed how they have lower crime rates than native borns as an example.It's one thing to claim they hurt working americans,but you go further and claim they are not hard working and are disproportiontely commiting crimes and the facts just don't support that.Find me a study that does(mine BTW was from your home state of calif).Not your anedoctal instances of crimes which prove nothing but a study please.

My position on the change in demographics thats coming in america is/was that it really means nothing and that america will not really be hurt by it one bit.How you can twist that as being negative is beyond me lol.
And on reaching people doesn't the same thing apply to your posts and threads as well.Or did you really think you were going to start a grass roots campaign against Flourescent light bulbs here?:rofl:
Actually overwhelmingly the response you got was that the change was a good idea,so it did have some good effect I guess.:thumbsup:
That's racist !!

All you're doing is trolling for somebody to go over the edge.

I hate to see that, it's terribly saddening and infuriating.

"M crocket" was a big PM 'er who argued for arguments sake.

from www.dictionary.com

Racism: 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

In other words, it's not racist to make fun of your own race.

So your accusation is WRONG. Next time, consult a dictionary before you throw major accusations around.
Would this bother you? Seeing as though you most likely are on the side of those that advocate lowering birthrates, does it bother you that the one group that is flooding our country is the one group that procreates the most? :dunno:

So, rather than answering the question, you just deflect it back to me. Pretty lame but what should I expect, I guess...

In the hypothetical situation I described, my answer would be this:

No, it wouldn't bother me if whites became the minority in the U.S. under these circumstances. Obviously, over time, the group that reproduces the most will take up a greater percentage of the overall population. The only way I could be upset by this would be if I felt that the United States was a country where whites should enjoy special privileges and should be entitled by law to compose at least 51% of the population. I don't think those things, so the scenario I outlined would not bother me. [Again, for the record, I am very much bothered (and depressed) by "out-f**k the enemy!" mentalities wherever they occur, be it in radical Muslims or the "quiver-ful" Christians. We are humans, not rats, and we need to THINK.]

What I DO hope for is that the people of the United States could act collectively with some restraint. When a country that consumes the world's resources and pollutes as much as the U.S. does, small shifts in fertility have huge impacts worldwide, and many of them not so positive. So, my hope would be that, regardless of any ethnic or racial group's fertility rates, the OVERALL fertility rate of the U.S. does not get much higher than replacement rate. (of course if we continue to allow immigration, the overall fertility for the country could be below replacement level, as the population could be maintained with an immigrant influx. I'm assuming immigration policies that are fair and reasonable, however) The United States is not (yet) a very crowded country for the most part, but we do consume and pollute far beyond our proportions. And if the other 6 billion people in the world are following or aspiring to the U.S. example, this can only lead to major problems on down the line, even if major wars can be avoided (and I doubt they can).

So, ninetysix, now that I have answered the question, could you answer it, too?


Hiliary 2020
I have held a job steadily since I was fifteen years old and I will attest that, with all due respect, your assertion that anglos are collectively guilty of racist tendencies, well you're full of shit ! I do know of and have personally experienced areas of my work history where I was racially harrassed by others when I happened to be the lone euro - Am on the construction crew ! I've even been to jail a few times (DUI - once and possession - another) and I experienced extreme contempt there. Did I cry about it ? :crying:

I have yet to witness ANY racism perped against a minority student, minority fellow employee or otherwise NEVER !. IT'S NOT TOLERATED ! It's a symbol of a low life ! PERIOD ! If you worked, you would know this !!!! :rolleyes:

Just because I object to illegal immigration (a problem that creates shortages of goods and services for AMERICAN needy people, incidentally) does not mean that people are being discriminated against.
Got to Mexico with your white ass and overheat your car . . you may not return home. Come to America as a "minority", illegal or otherwise and overheat your car and the Highway Patrol will likely give you a ride to a location of your choice, legally licensed to drive or not, they're treated like a kings !

Enough of your agitation !

You're all political. There's no compassion in your writings. You're a cold block of concrete ! You're using "minorities" as a convenient scapegoat to carry out your political ill will.

Have you anything positive for us today ? A single word ? Didn't think so. There's got to be other places where you can reach more people than you do here. :dunno:
I don't even have time to proof read . . Time to go to the jobsite :tongue:

I also have worked many different jobs, been in a million social situations and can honestly say I have never seen a non white being discriminated against or abused.
I have seen quite a few that should have been disciplined or fired due their actions being allowed to get away with it. Always because the non white management is afraid to lose their job if they act.
So who's the discrimination against in those cases?
This is the way it is and has been for some time in the U.S.
Anybody wants to deny it, fine. Stick your head in the sand.

This is just one reason I decided to get out, go somewhere where you can call a pretty girl sweet heart, where blacks and whites are treated equally, And where society has better things to worry about than being offended or offending someone and having your life ruined for it.

:2 cents:
I also have worked many different jobs, been in a million social situations and can honestly say I have never seen a non white being discriminated against or abused.
I have seen quite a few that should have been disciplined or fired due their actions being allowed to get away with it. Always because the non white management is afraid to lose their job if they act.
So who's the discrimination against in those cases?
This is the way it is and has been for some time in the U.S.
Anybody wants to deny it, fine. Stick your head in the sand.

This is just one reason I decided to get out, go somewhere where you can call a pretty girl sweet heart, where blacks and whites are treated equally, And where society has better things to worry about than being offended or offending someone and having your life ruined for it.

:2 cents:

Here is an example of how scared white management is of firing and discriminating against minoritys.
ESPN had a lenghty story on this which I'm sure you can find as well.And this is not small obscure employer.Nascar is huge and is supposedly trying to broaden there appeal and image.This black girl was called all kinds of racial bigotted names,sexually harrased(her bosses whipped out there dicks for her etc.), yeah they are real scared.They should be scared of the damage they do to themselves and their sport but old habits are very hard to break apparently.


"For the last decade, NASCAR has tried to shed its legacy as a sport indelibly linked to the confederate flag. Motorsports execs understand that if their sport is ever to go global, burning rubber can't be associated with burning crosses. However, despite NASCAR's efforts to improve their image, it's still a sport where racism thrives below the surface and sexism in the form of bikini-clad NASCAR eye candy is proudly paraded around the speedway, as much a part of the scenery as the stars and bars. NASCAR is in danger of being marginalized by this contradiction. They're attempting to reach an international audience while displaying the worst kind of backward provincialism.

The lawsuit details twenty-three specific incidents of sexual harassment and thirty-four specific incidents of alleged racial and gender discrimination over a two-year span. It is a fairly mindnumbing recitation of similar stories that go well beyond anyone's notion of political correctness.

Grant has accused two NASCAR officials, Tim Knox and Bud Moore, of exposing themselves to her as well. They are now on "indefinite administrative paid leave" although NASCAR suspiciously says it has nothing to do with the lawsuit.

Grant claims she was called "Nappy Headed Mo" and "Queen Sheba." She had a coworker who liked to talk casually about the Ku Klux Klan. Another white official named, oddly enough, David Duke, sent her a text message that read, "I love all Yall mofos i am that niggaHAHAHAHollaPIMPALICIOUS."

So far, NASCAR's response to Grant's allegations has been to go into attack mode. Chairman Brian France said, "The disappointing thing is she makes a lot of claims, none of them reported, The fact that it went on as she stated, for many months, but never bothered to tell anyone at management what was going on--which is what our policy says--is very disappointing." Grant claims she did tell others but that she was told to let it go because her tormenters were "former military guys" with a rough sense of humor.

Mike Wilford, who is named in the suit and has since left NASCAR, told The Associated Press that Grant was in on the offensive "jokes" the whole time. "Graphic and lewd jokes? She participated in them. She laughed, she would never say it was inappropriate," Wilford claims. "She asked to be called the only two names she was ever called. She called herself Mo Money all the time."

Needless to say, this scandal could destroy NASCAR, or at the very least, put it in permanent marketing purgatory. Ironically the person perhaps best-equipped to save NASCAR from itself is Mauricia Grant.

Grant has said, "We have to work together to change the racist culture. Anyone that has an interest in motorsports, they should be allowed to work in that environment without having to deal with racism or sexism."

Grant's love of motorsports is so intense, so pure, that she can separate the beauty of the sport from the ugly underbelly desperately clinging to its wheels. Perhaps she could even inspire NASCAR fans to get up and demonstrate--whether it be at Daytona or Talladega--to show that intolerance and gender inequality are not the cornerstones of the sport they love."


Staff member
1) Not that it really is that relevant my work history is very similar to that except here at least you had to wait till you were 16 to work legally,but I'm older so have had a head start on ya.And if you have never seen discrimimation in your life besides it being directed at yourself then you are just using tunnel vision.I seem to remember a post you had long time ago when you spoke of being a manager and doing hiring which I can relate too as being in that position several times myself.You mentioned how you would hire some hispanics and some of them eithier would not show up again after the 1st day or even didn't return from lunch on the 1st day and used that as some evidence they did not wish to work or something.What you are failing to see is the reason they did not return was you lol.They got a load of who the boss was and said ok I don't need this or any job that bad.:eek:
2) Its not just mexicans ya know who enter the country illegally although they may be the largest group.But they are the only group you rail about.Were there needy americans when the Irish (who btw there are about 50,000 over staying their visa's now) and Italian immigration waves came over a hundred years ago,of course there were.And were there native americans who were very angered and resented the new immigrants at the time ,again for sure there were.I fail to see much difference in the situations.
3) I think it is you who are much more negative.While I have not been thrilled by the current crop of presidential candidates as an example you have not seen me really attack any of them the way you have.While you attack all of them,not one of them or any politician for that matter has any virtue apparently in your eyes.No one I guess is on the extreme right enough to suit you.No candidate that denys global warming,says round up the mexicans,and were tired of hearing about systemic discrimination must really be depressing for you.
4) And if you look at the thread called "what are you afraid of" I offered a very positive rebuttal to the people who said they were "scared" if Obama became president in which I said that I am not afraid of McCain being president as even if he does "positive change" would be coming anyway with the new much larger majoritys the dems will have in both houses which is something you can bet the ranch on while Obama is more of a long shot.
5) No it is you who show little compassion to the overwhelmingly hard working decent people who have come from mexico.Did you see my post that showed how they have lower crime rates than native borns as an example.It's one thing to claim they hurt working americans,but you go further and claim they are not hard working and are disproportiontely commiting crimes and the facts just don't support that.Find me a study that does(mine BTW was from your home state of calif).Not your anedoctal instances of crimes which prove nothing but a study please.
6) My position on the change in demographics thats coming in america is/was that it really means nothing and that america will not really be hurt by it one bit.How you can twist that as being negative is beyond me lol.
And on reaching people doesn't the same thing apply to your posts and threads as well.Or did you really think you were going to start a grass roots campaign against Flourescent light bulbs here?:rofl:
Actually overwhelmingly the response you got was that the change was a good idea,so it did have some good effect I guess.:thumbsup:

I will have to make my testimonial. In my older job, I had a female boss which was from Algeria and who recruited many people from various origins. Many of them quited the job after a week or two because they couldn't bear with strong pressure, total abidance with orders and zero tolerance against them when they were late. Some of them were fired after days because they were lacking telecommunications, computing, data processing and IT knowledge and their spelling and grammar were beyond shit. Your spelling isn't brilliant as well, you made 9 mistakes in your post and 3 grammar mistakes. Let's start with the spelling mistakes:
Let's finish with grammar mistakes:
majoritys doesn't exist it is the majority
borns doesn't exist it is born, you should have said in that case the native born persons
and you have forgotten to write Americans and Mexicans with a capital letter.
For someone who claims to have a higher education, making so much spelling and grammar mistakes, that is not excusable. I imagine what is what is when you write an official letter. When people are given a chance at work and they fuck it because they are either irresponsible and/or unable to do things correctly, they have to blame themselves.
2) In the past, Italian and Irish immigrants busted and worked their asses off to succeed as well as to integrate themselves very well in the American society. Is that the case of Mexicans? Not really, and on that I am with Facetious most of them are illegal aliens only willing to enter America illegally thinking it is an Eldorado where everything is due to them, they got all wrong. Because I don't think people in general like people who are doing nothing to integrate themselves nor respect the customs and the habits in the country where they migrated in. People don't like immigrants who have a poor capacity of integration and who are also causes of trouble no matter what country they come from.
3) The one who is negative, it is you. I will explain you why: you blame Bush for all the happenings but you never question if Clinton has done something wrong or not. Clinton and Kerry are angels for you and the republicans are the devil if I follow your logic. You always associate Facetious with extreme right??? Seriously on which planet are you? The extreme right is a party like the Austrian FPÖ or the far right parties that are still existing in the former USSR parties as well as the extreme right wing parties still existing in the Baltic republics, in Belgium, in Denmark and in Norway. America has the KKK, it is not news. Facetious has nothing in common with these parties so stop accusing him of being extreme right wing when it is not the case. He has conservative views which are based on the reality and not on utopias. None believes in utopias. I know I don't. What would it be like if I would have said you are a commie? You wouldn't have appreciated it even though I know you are clearly a typical left winger.
4) Obama is big talk and no walk kinda like was Kerry. Everyone made their bet on Kerry and he got pwned. Plus Obama never faced war and seems to like kissing the UN's ass which won't be a good thing for the USA.
5) None denies there are hard working people from Mexico but they are not an overwhelming majority. When I posted you the link of America Most Wanted captures, you refused to acknowledge the truth. Most of the persons captured and who were involved in crimes are either Black or Hispanic. http://www.amw.com/captures/browse_by_capture_date.cfm Nobody cares if it is a fox chanel or not, the fact that they are criminals weights more than the rest. I also linked you to the site http://www.knowgangs.com which is also depicts gangs and who are their members and from which countries they come from. Count the number of Mexicans who are in gangs and those work and I think you will get the picture.
6) For you demographics mean nothing but for other people it does mean something. I think America will be hurt by the change of demographics, you must be lacking the sense of realism if you can't understand and see that.
Who is being absolutely blind and not caring of what will happen if the demographics change??? You and people thinking like you obviously.
I will have to make my testimonial. In my older job, I had a female boss which was from Algeria and who recruited many people from various origins. Many of them quited the job after a week or two because they couldn't bear with strong pressure, total abidance with orders and zero tolerance against them when they were late. Some of them were fired after days because they were lacking telecommunications, computing, data processing and IT knowledge and their spelling and grammar were beyond shit. Your spelling isn't brilliant as well, you made 9 mistakes in your post and 3 grammar mistakes. Let's start with the spelling mistakes:
Let's finish with grammar mistakes:
majoritys doesn't exist it is the majority
borns doesn't exist it is born, you should have said in that case the native born persons
and you have forgotten to write Americans and Mexicans with a capital letter.
For someone who claims to have a higher education, making so much spelling and grammar mistakes, that is not excusable. I imagine what is what is when you write an official letter. When people are given a chance at work and they fuck it because they are either irresponsible and/or unable to do things correctly, they have to blame themselves.
2) In the past, Italian and Irish immigrants busted and worked their asses off to succeed as well as to integrate themselves very well in the American society. Is that the case of Mexicans? Not really, and on that I am with Facetious most of them are illegal aliens only willing to enter America illegally thinking it is an Eldorado where everything is due to them, they got all wrong. Because I don't think people in general like people who are doing nothing to integrate themselves nor respect the customs and the habits in the country where they migrated in. People don't like immigrants who have a poor capacity of integration and who are also causes of trouble no matter what country they come from.
3) The one who is negative, it is you. I will explain you why: you blame Bush for all the happenings but you never question if Clinton has done something wrong or not. Clinton and Kerry are angels for you and the republicans are the devil if I follow your logic. You always associate Facetious with extreme right??? Seriously on which planet are you? The extreme right is a party like the Austrian FPÖ or the far right parties that are still existing in the former USSR parties as well as the extreme right wing parties still existing in the Baltic republics, in Belgium, in Denmark and in Norway. America has the KKK, it is not news. Facetious has nothing in common with these parties so stop accusing him of being extreme right wing when it is not the case. He has conservative views which are based on the reality and not on utopias. None believes in utopias. I know I don't. What would it be like if I would have said you are a commie? You wouldn't have appreciated it even though I know you are clearly a typical left winger.
4) Obama is big talk and no walk kinda like was Kerry. Everyone made their bet on Kerry and he got pwned. Plus Kerry never faced war and seems to like kissing the UN's ass which won't be a good thing for the USA.
5) None denies there are hard working people from Mexico but they are not an overwhelming majority. When I posted you the link of America Most Wanted captures, you refused to acknowledge the truth. Most of the persons captured and who were involved in crimes are either Black or Hispanic. http://www.amw.com/captures/browse_by_capture_date.cfm Nobody cares if it is a fox chanel or not, the fact that they are criminals weights more than the rest. I also linked you to the site http://www.knowgangs.com which is also depicts gangs and who are their members and from which countries they come from. Count the number of Mexicans who are in gangs and those work and I think you will get the picture.
6) For you demographics mean nothing but for other people it does mean something. I think America will be hurt by the change of demographics, you must be lacking the sense of realism if you can't understand and see that.
Who is being absolutely blind and not caring of what will happen if the demographics change??? You and people thinking like you obviously.

Ok were counting spelling and grammar now I will keep that in mind lol.I let a lot of yours slide because I still understood your points plus english is your second language I'm sure.But whatever, if you want to dwell on such that's fine.Plus I never claimed I had a higher education,thats a total assumption on your part.Further as someone who lives here and has worked with some hispanics I disagree strongly with your assertion they are not busting their asses working hard.The ones I know do.And again go to the 1st page of this thread and look at the study( I put link up) on crime rates for immigrants in California,much lower than the rates for native born americans.
But the most outlandish statement you made(and there were many) was that Kerry "never faced war".Are you aware that John Kerry volunteered for vietnam and was awarded several medals for his action in combat there?:dunno: