Which games console?

Saffron Taylor

Official Checked Star Member
Ok guys, I'm thinking of getting a games console. So what do you think is best ? Xbox 360, Playstation 3 or Wii? :)

Saffron x


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's all a matter of opinion, but I think that you should get a PS3 system.


FreeOnes Team Member
Hi Saffron

[nobabe]I have a PS3 and I like it. Not only are the graphics great, but it is a Blu-ray player as well so you can watch HD movies with great (digital) sound. [/nobabe]

Next to that, you can play online games for free (if supported by game), without any subscription like XBox.

The Wii is more fun when you intend to play a lot with friends I suppose...

But like l3ggy says, it's a matter of opinion :)
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First things first : do you have an hd tv ? If you do, having a blue ray player (ps3) could be great but if you don't it's going to be totally useless on a regular tv. I have a PS3 and an xbox 360 and I like both consoles but I play my 360 a little bit more because of the exclusive games and the fact that a lot of the times the 360 version of a game is better than the ps3 version ( when the game is multi-console) . But in the end , the important thing is for you to look at the titles available for each consoles and go with the one that has the type of games that interests you the most.
it depends on what you want

wii - baby games for children horrible online
ps3 - no games for it its just a black box what is it do anyway
360 - gay pc FPS ports and they charge online like its a mmo
i have all 3 consoles and if i had to keep just one, it'd probably be the ps3.

i just prefer Sony's exclusive titles more than anyone else's ...ie, God of War, Killzone, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, MLB: The Show, Wipeout, Resistance, InFamous, Twisted Metal, SOCOM, Metal Gear Solid, etc.

the Nintendo Wii is by far the worst of the 3, imo. i rarely turn it on.


Ps3: Slightly better graphics, blu-ray is a bonus

360: Best online multiplayer of any console, better selection of games (so far)

Wii: Great for keeping kids busy for a few hours, and can be used as a doorstop.
If you just want to pick up and play, prob the Wii. If your more into FPS and such, and/or want to go more hardcore, then one of the other two.

I personally have the 360 and it is great! :D
for kids a wii

for normal old players an xbox 360 (old because no blu ray^^) mostly same games like ps3 but more bad graphic as the ps3

for pro players a ps3 :D some cool games like gran turismo are only available for playstation :D and in advantage u got and blu ray player and game console in one ;)

i have a ps3 60gb and proud of it :D
Got a Wii that is currently covered in a 3 inch thick blanket of dust, a horrible gimmick console. The kids sure do love it. Ive always been a Playstation guy, so the PS3 is my fave. There arent many games for it though, and if its also on the XBox then the XBox version is usually better. But that werent enough to deter me from still picking the PS3.
X-Box 360 control sucks. However most games on PS3 are also on it. Like Devil May Cry 4 and Street Fighter 4,plus it has exclusive bad ass titles like Ninja Gaiden and Halo.
PS3 too expensive,not many games,however it can play all the PS 2 games which are in the thousands and is still up to this day the BEST library existing for a game console.
Wii has kiddie games,however those kiddie games are addictive and fun.
I got a 360 just cuz all my friends did, and we play online. I moved away for my fiancee to go to grad school and now I can still play games with the homies.
Long version:
They each have their pros and cons, but overall (since I use the console for gaming and nothing else) the Xbox is an obvious choice for me. Regardless of what anyone says it has all the advantages: huge game library, most 3rd party titles, all the DLC, biggest online community (despite being charged for). All the previous glitches with it have been fixed, and in 1,5 years I've never had any technical difficulties with it. It's also highly compatible with the PC and it's easy to synchronize the two and transfer movies, pictures, music etc to your TV.
Kinda noisy though, and very clumsy and ugly to have in your living room.

I used to own a Wii (it got stolen), but the whole motion-sensor thing you get tired of very fast. And the games feel quite sub-par. But it's very accessible and even people who don't enjoy video games will have fun using it. So it's basically a casual machine, very much worth its price though, and I'll probably buy one when I have the time.

The PS3, I'm kinda ambivalent about. It's a great machine, clearly the best. It supports bluray (which to me is totally uninteresting, but whatever) and doesn't sound like a Boeing each time you turn it on like the 360. One thing though: the graphics are of no difference. This is just some ridiculous misconception between fanboys, that 360 and PS3 graphics differ. No mortal being could perceive a notable difference, and multi-titles are identical. Both systems support HD graphics.
But the PS3 is more expensive, and it has fewer games. Certain downloadable content isn't available on it, and the multiplayer community is way smaller - at times it's even difficult to find players.

Short version:
For a loud, mainstream online gaming box: 360.
For a silent, black box of wealth and dvd-deluxe: PS3.
For gimmicky, casual gaming and funny party-games: Wii.

That's my :2 cents:. But the PS3 or 360 are kinda equal to each other IMO, and it won't matter very much which one you buy. Stick to the one that appeals to you the most, black or white :yinyang:

Hope it was of any help :)
If you're buying for online play the 360 is your system.

If you're into Blu-Ray capabilities, it's the PS3 for you.

If you're not necessarily a hardcore gamer and like to just play every once in a while, or more family-friendly games then the Wii is you best bet.
Wait till E3 because Sony has a big announcement to make and many are speculating a Price drop. If so I too will get me a PS3 :p