That is my whole point I made above my friend. You NEED to go online to get codecs. You are being forced to go out of your way to get what you need. Where as with the PS you just need to sit back and let the update on the disc do it all for you. No fuss what so ever and no need to go anywhere near the internet.
And speaking as one of many people that do not use the online side of their consoles, it is annoying to see that this side of the market isn't being looked after by MS. The fucking cunt bastards at MS seem to think everyone should be online with the console. This is why there is a lack of support for those that do not go online with their consoles. Ignorance is what that is
Just because around twenty million or so of the thirty million Xbox 360's out there are online, that doesn't mean MS should ignore the 10 million or so that are not online.
Sony support both sides of the fence [online and offline]. That is why in my eyes Sony get a gold star and a lollypop for their service to their customers. Where as Microsoft get a half eaten Mars Bar as a rewards for their lack of support to those who buy their console. If it wasn't for the good game selection on the Xbox I wouldn't have one. That's the only reason for me keeping a MS console - the good games. It's not the support or the quality of the hardware.
No my friend I never over looked online gaming. I only discuss what is a part of my gaming needs :thumbsup:
And as it stands, online gaming is not a part of my gaming needs, and never will be.
So your saying the 360 should win the online gaming side of things? fair enough sir. I have no interest in online gaming anyway. So it can dominate the online gaming side of the fence all it wants to, it is no big loss for me. Everything else though I'd have to say that the PS3 does dominate in. Especially support for updates to those who do not go online as that is a big issue if your playing movie files a lot on the consoles. The PS3 I have stays up to date and isn't just a basic out of the box game console [like my 360].
All I am doing is I am giving my view on the + and - points to both consoles so as it can hopefully help the OP to make a better choice in console purchase based on MY experiances with both machines. I am not a fanboy of one console as I own both consoles and like games on both consoles. But that doesn't mean I will sit in silence when it comes to giving my views on what I think of both consoles.
At the end of the day OP buy either the PS3 or the XB360 based on what everone in here has said.
But DO NOT buy the Wii as it is not money well spent. You will not get your money's worth from a Wii purchase. Not unless you have like three or four kids at home.