Which Engine Oil Do You Use?

Actually, Prof Voluptuary, I AM hearing about this G-Oil for the first time.
It's not a new concept. The idea of using animal fat has been around for some time. It has been used for many things in the past, including some issues when dealing with religious aspects (e.g., British colonies where Hindu is practiced, since cattle mutton was used in early firearms).

But G-Oil is the first to be used without blending in other oils that are not biodegradable. And it is the first in the US to receive the API Service Mark.

It'll take some real Hocus Pocus Abracadabra for G-Oil to really break into the scene and actually carve out a noticeable market share among oil sales.
Dyson Racing winning several races while using G-Oil would certainly help the cause in piquing people's curiosity and getting them to try it.
Dyson isn't the first. It's been running in the American LMS for years now. They've just moved up to Dyson being a core partner now.

So, by "biodegradable," do they actually mean you can actually dump it right in the ground and it wouldn't be bad for the environment? It wouldn't contaminate the ground water?
Here are the facts: http://www.getg.com/whyBenefits.php

Remember, the concept of "biodegradable" is not absolute. It means it eventually breaks down. We all use detergent and other bases, solvents and other things and they are not exactly non-toxic for humans, yet we run them into our sewers.

G-Oil is rated low to non-toxic, better than household liquids that are poured into drains daily. Doesn't mean you should do it though.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
When I changed the oil in my car, I used to use Mobil1, Valvoline, Castrol, and Quaker State or whatever was on sale at the auto parts store. We'd buy it by the case along with the filters, since all three cars: my dad's, my step mom's and mine all needed to get done.

But now I take the car in. The mechanics there use 5w20 oil. However I'm not sure of the brand they use. So it could be Mobil1, Valvoline, Castrol or Quaker State.


Closed Account
Well, John, by the price of the Oil & Filter Change, especially if it is a Full Service deal with Lube & Fluids ... you should be able to tell if you did get Mobil 1 put in. If they put in Mobil 1, I'm sure they won't be charging you in the $30.00 range. It'll be more like the $50.00 range.