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Out of curiosity, Jagger, do Valvoline and Havoline have any connection?
I wondered that the other day since they have that same "voline" suffix if you will.
Amsoil ... now there's one that I read is VERY good.
Of course, for a certain price.
Until I saw their logo, I kept looking at it, reading it more as Am Soil rather than Ams Oil.I kept thinking, "Well that's weird. Couldn't they think of something better to name it?" Then I finally saw their logo and it clicked, "Ohhhhh! Ams Oil ... NOW it makes sense." :laugh:
Let me see if I have this correct.
So you're NOT talking about using a Synth Blend, but rather, you literally pour in say 2½ quarts of Synthetic motor oil and 2½ quarts of Conventional motor oil?
Well Shit, then ... if Castrol is good enough for BMW, it can't be too bad for a Rodeo.:1orglaugh Yes it does read that way. It is a good brand. Its made from tigerblood and is for bi-winners. I would use either Amsoil, Pennzoil Platinum, mobil1 or royal purple, all being 100% synthetic.
Forums complaints about castrol blend thinning at high temps wouldn't put me off using it. BMW use castrol as their recommended brand. No matter what you look to research on the net, there's studies to show something and other studies to show the opposite.
For some reason, that reminded me of the scummy Parking Attendant dude in the movie Ferris Beuller who took that Corvette out FLYING after the Ferris Beuller gang were out of sight. --- Trust me. I'm a professional. :rofl2:I comes in a can (I think) and a man in grubby overalls puts it in the car. Somewhere.
And that's the limit of my mechanical knowledge.
Rey C's a rich boy. How much you guys wanna bet he's worth billions...
That was also around when GM adopted Mobil 1 as the oil for the Chevrolet Corvette, and every Mobil 1 representative I've ever talked to about the Corvette says don't bother changing it under 12K miles (~19,500km). I've been putting Mobil 1 in all of my vehicles over the last decade and change every 5K miles (~8,000km) or so.Since around 1985, I have used Synthetic Mobil 1
That's reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger threatening an airplane engine in the movie Commando with, "Fly or Die!" :laugh:I use Start You Bastard it works for me.