Which Engine Oil Do You Use?


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Since around 1985, I have used Synthetic Mobil 1 5W-30.
That's been in the entire time I had my 87 GMC Jimmy, which I had for almost 13 years. And in my current 99 Isuzu Rodeo, which is still running great.

I used to take my vehicles to those Quick Lube places since I didn't have the facilities to change the oil myself. Recently I did have access to being able to change the oil myself. I came across a Sale at AutoZone, which I couldn't pass up. It was a 5+ Quart Jug of Castrol Syntec 5W-30, which came with a FREE Fram Tough Guard Oil Filter ... for $27.99. The Jug of Mobil 1 would have cost me $31.99 alone without any FREE Oil Filter. So, I pulled the trigger on snagging up that Castrol Syntec & Free Fram Oil Filter deal.

I performed the Oil & Filter change. My Isuzu Rodeo is running great with the Castrol Syntec. I neither see nor feel any difference from when it had Mobil 1 in it. Out of curiosity, I decided to Google up some Reviews on Castrol Syntec. I figured, "Well, it's a well-known brand. It is Synthetic. It's bound to be great and have plenty of great Reviews and satisfied customers." To my surprise, on pretty much all the Forums I can find with oil discussions, there seems to be an overwhelming majority of aversion to Castrol Syntec and Castrol products in general. :surprise: :eek: Oh, Castrol Syntec did have its supporters / defenders here and there. But, pretty much most people commenting were trashing Castrol Syntec. There seem to be - Drag Castrol Syntec Through the Mud Fests - seemingly everywhere I check.

So, anyone here have any good history using Castrol Syntec / Castrol products in your vehicles?

Or do y'all swear by any other specific oil brand?
I've only used Mobil as well - both in my car and in my motorcycle. In my motorcycle, the previous owner always used only BMW oil, but Mobil 1 is actually quite a bit better product.

I'm also curious about castrol products. Not a lot of people with motorcycles use it - it seems to break down more quickly, I've been told, and motorcycle oil works pretty hard.


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Ahhh! I see more positive feedback for Mobil / Mobil 1.

Usually the 2 biggest beefs / gripes / allegations I've been reading on Forums is that:
(a) Castrol Syntec is NOT a true synthetic, but simply a modified regular oil. (Hydro-cracked as detractors refer to it.)

(b) Castrol's advertising / marketing is usually always blatant lies and right out bullshit. :eek:

So, y'all can imagine how all those Castrol detractors are seeing red and wanting to go all Chuck Norris on Castrol now that the new Castrol Edge oil is claiming it has 8 times better wear protection than Mobil 1.

I haven't decided what I'll go with on my next oil change.
I might try the Castrol Edge next, especially if there is a same type of deal at AutoZone with the Free Oil Filter. Then again, after the fact, I found out that Walmart has the Mobil 1 Jug at $24.50 ... $7.00 cheaper than AutoZone. :surprise:


Lord Dipstick
Castrol Synthetic


Closed Account
The Pennzoil Platinum, eh, Kingfisher?
I wouldn't mind trying that if I found a good deal on it at the time of my Rodeo's next oil change.
I read good stuff about it.
It certainly didn't get rotisseried and shish kabbobed like Castrol Syntec.


Closed Account
Heyyyyy! Finally! A seemingly happy, satisfied Castrol Synthetic User.
So, I take it you've used it for years now, Alex ... and your vehicle hasn't deteriorated into a pumpkin? :D Is it the Castrol Syntec or the new Castrol Edge that you are using?


Lord Dipstick
Heyyyyy! Finally! A seemingly happy, satisfied Castrol Synthetic User.
So, I take it you've used it for years now, Alex ... and your vehicle hasn't deteriorated into a pumpkin? :D Is it the Castrol Syntec or the new Castrol Edge that you are using?

It's Castrol Syntec and it's what the dealer uses and they always give me $10-$15 rebates so they are good w/ me! :clap:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
The Pennzoil Platinum, eh, Kingfisher?
I wouldn't mind trying that if I found a good deal on it at the time of my Rodeo's next oil change.
I read good stuff about it.
It certainly didn't get rotisseried and shish kabbobed like Castrol Syntec.

I tried several different brands, my engine just runs better on the Pennzoil. That might change with a different engine. Who knows. But I get my at Wallymart (Walmart) for just $21 bucks, 5 quarts. Just the right amount. It went up a couple of dollars and I considered changing brands, but didn't.

Seeing how if you go to a quick lube place, and order a synthetic change out, they charge you for a case of synthetic, and don't give you the remaining case. It was a ripe off. So I just changes my own from day one. 7 years later, a quick lube place has never touched my engine.

Oh and my most recent smog inspection, came back with numbers resembling a brand new ULEV car.


Closed Account
Well, Alex, from what I've extracted from the many negative comments on Forums against Castrol Syntec, I don't think they provide any real life experience incidents / evidence to back up their claims that Castrol Syntec sucks like they say it does. The detractors seem to have a hobby of trying to make Castrol Syntec out to be the Rosie O'Donnell of oils. :eek: :laugh:

The way I see though, Castrol Syntec can't possibly be the useless, evil, horrendous Liquid Horse Manure that the detractors would want us to believe it is. Otherwise, if it WAS that bad, how could it possibly have the certifications that it does?


Closed Account
You probably hit a good point, Kingfisher. And this HAD crossed my mind.
Engines and what oil to use in them is similar to computers and software Apps used in them.
There can be a Browser or any software App that is the greatest thing ever on a lot of people's computers, yet be a problematic piece of garbage on other people's computers. So, we all go with whatever software Apps work on OUR computers.

Consequently, very likely the top Synthetic Oil brands Mobil 1, Castrol Syntec / Edge, Pennzoil Platinum, Valvoline SynPower and others are no doubt ALL very good oils. Their performance will vary from engine to engine ... driving style, climate, environment, Etc. Ultimately we end up using what works best on OUR vehicle.


Closed Account
Amsoil ... now there's one that I read is VERY good.
Of course, for a certain price. :D

Until I saw their logo, I kept looking at it, reading it more as Am Soil rather than Ams Oil. :D I kept thinking, "Well that's weird. Couldn't they think of something better to name it?" Then I finally saw their logo and it clicked, "Ohhhhh! Ams Oil ... NOW it makes sense." :laugh:


Closed Account
Astroglide ... would that be the Full Synthetic German Astroglide ...
Or the USA Synth Blend Astroglide with Slick 100 Additive and the Official Astroglide of the NBA? :rofl2:


what the fuck you lookin at?
hell if I know. I take it to a dealers shop that has a permanent special going for 10 bucks. All they do is drain the oil, refill and change the filter. I can do all the other shit, I don't need to pay someone to check my other fluid levels. Or alert me to leaks and such. I used to change my own oil using Valvoline 5w30, but you can't even come close to doing your own oil changes for 10 bucks anymore. You spend more than that just in oil!


Closed Account
Oil, Oil Filter and labor for only $10.00? :surprise:
Ahhh! I see you got the McDonald's Used French Fry Oil Special. :laugh:

Just Kidding! As long as your car likes it and gets you where you want to go when you want to go, then whatever works. :thumbsup: