I just found out that a male friend of mine, to put it bluntly, has sex with men. This was a little surprising to me because I had only know him to have had sexual relationships with women.
We didn't talk about the label "bisexual" but one thing he did say was "queer"- which means out of the ordinary- and he defined it as anyone who engages in a sexual act that is not exclusively penis-vaginal intercourse aka. "normal" heterosexual behavior aka. dominant phallucentric penetration. I thought that was pretty cool and I like that because it encompasses people that would identify as straight, gay, bi and other.
I always thought that having these rigid strict definition of sexual categorization to be pretty stupid. Why is that? I mean that's how it is for so much of life, things need to be placed in easily identifiable Aristotelian dualisms- black or white, good or bad, yes or no, gay or straight... why devoid life of it's variable complexities? that is what enriches it. But I guess people would rather sacrifice a meaningful expereince for an easy and convenient solution, even if it doesn't satisfy.