I don't believe you...or maybe I do...no wait. If you were a compulsive liar than you would lie about being one, but then you wouldn't say you were...ok I'm confused.

:1orglaugh:rofl: Very nice!
I feel guilty about giving a joke answer, though, since
coolbeers is a decent guy, and he started this thread, so:
bad knees
take meds for acid reflux
could stand to lose about 25 lbs
valve defect in my heart (not terribly serious) take meds for that
slight shakiness due to my bipolar meds
Overall, the verdict is not too bad. There really isn't anything I'm told I "can't do". Sometimes I kind of don't like being on a lot of meds, but I'm a firm believer in my doctors and I know I couldn't function as well in life if I didn't have them. :dunno: