whats wrong with you?

list your age and you ailments

bad hurts more lately
neck pains
hands hurt from doing bodywork for all these years
knees hurt for same reason
shoulder problems, cant lift my arm over my head without it catching

kill me now

so what are your symptoms?

I'll tell you my birthday - every day LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Bipolar - I can be a sarcastic bastard or an over emotional fool.

Limp noodle - sometimes when I'm on placebo.

I smoke - but only when babysitting.

Sore right foot - from constantly kicking ass and taking names!

Will E Worm

Over 30...;)

Degenerative leg disease
Back, leg, neck, shoulder, head pain
I believe bi-polar too. I can get irritated easily at times.
Slight depression

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
club foot when i was a child, fixed when i was one, sore once in a while
busted right knee, heeled, still sore on cold days
scar on left thumb from being a kid with a swiss army knife
and the newest, busted left elbow from falling on ice
addicted to crack, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, heroin, steroids, LSD, painkillers and my bipolar meds
no feeling in my body between my feet and my shoulders
compulsive liar


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Age: 18

Problems: A little over-weight, Got three different illness'(don't know what they are called in english, but Albert Einstein had one of the illness' i've got)


Ask my woman what's wrong with me - (after you eat a full meal, walk the dog, brush your teeth and arrange your finances) - you'll need the better part of half a day to listen to her rant. :D
I don't believe you...or maybe I do...no wait. If you were a compulsive liar than you would lie about being one, but then you wouldn't say you were...ok I'm confused. ;):rolleyes:

:1orglaugh:rofl: Very nice!

I feel guilty about giving a joke answer, though, since coolbeers is a decent guy, and he started this thread, so:

bad knees
take meds for acid reflux
could stand to lose about 25 lbs
valve defect in my heart (not terribly serious) take meds for that
slight shakiness due to my bipolar meds

Overall, the verdict is not too bad. There really isn't anything I'm told I "can't do". Sometimes I kind of don't like being on a lot of meds, but I'm a firm believer in my doctors and I know I couldn't function as well in life if I didn't have them. :dunno:
I'm a million years old (or so it feels)
Scoped right knee
Bad infection in left knee has left it somewhat achy all the time now.
Deep emotional scars...

dick van cock

Closed Account
age: :dunno: the records were destroyed during the Thirty Years War.

- hibernating libido
- severe lack of empathy
- recently developed a tinnitus (not too bad, though)
You asked. As these are from years of body abuse with too much good living, sport and work...


Stomach problems, which have to be controlled by a tablet everyday.
Bad back, neck, elbows (one awaiting a operation).
Damaged finger on one hand from a break that was never treated by the hospital until too late.
Damaged ligaments in one thumb from steel bars landing on it a few weeks ago.
Damaged nerves in one heel causing a lump growth.
One beyond repair knee from football and motorbike crash. But no limp they said I'd have. Oh and played football a few times after even though told not too.

And that's without listing the scars :o


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's good that we don't use the scars, i have scars all over.


Closed Account
Age: 18

Problems: A little over-weight, Got three different illness'(don't know what they are called in english, but Albert Einstein had one of the illness' i've got)

Crohn's disease? Intestinal problems? He had many, liver, gall bladder, digestive.


Age Well, damn my keys won't work, maybe dust under # keys sorry.

Serious back problems from a bad car accident in the late 80's.Sometimes limits me, but never stops me.

Leg circulation problems from the same, should have been much worse they said so I feel blessed.

I can go from -0- to BITCH in 6.2 seconds at times:D.

Mild Type 2 Diabetic (no insulin) Quit sodas all together and now its under control.


Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Age 19

no luck
totally broke
Deep Depressions
Damaged Knee ligaments
"Italian Style"-Leg hair :D
Sub-function of thyroids
almost always cold feet
damaged ligaments and cartilage in my right ankle
gastric- and bowel-problems