whats wrong with you?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Damn, some of you guys are really fucked up!

Age 28
Mild to moderate back pain (from work)
I notice I have a serious lack of energy most of the time.
Quit smoking 4 weeks ago so my temper is on a hair trigger!


Closed Account
Age...........shhhhh I might tell later. ;)

there is nothing really wrong as far as health.

But I do have a bad habit smoking need to kick that bad.
Age: 37
Partly paralized left leg because of an accident between my and my bike and a pick-up truck who's driving too hard. I was only 19.:mad:
Because of that I was almost dead. After rehabilitation I am who I am now!

I can say to you all what I can't, but, to speak with one of the great former wheelchairtennissers of the World, Randy Snow from The States: "it's not about what you can't, but what you can."

So staying positive is my motto and just like Alyssa Milano said: "it's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Age: Older than damn near anyone else here

Ailments: Arthritis in hands, hips and back. Degenerated disks in back and neck. Nerve damage in left leg leaves constant numbness in my shin area. Acid reflux. Knees are shot. Insomnia. Weak vision (astigmatism....wear contacts). Chronic horniness.


Closed Account
Age: Older than damn near anyone else here

Ailments: Arthritis in hands, hips and back. Degenerated disks in back and neck. Nerve damage in left leg leaves constant numbness in my shin area. Acid reflux. Knees are shot. Insomnia. Constantly horny.

May I suggest that you take all your meds but the blue one. It possibly will cure the last ailment on your list. Walk away from the blue magic. :D



Closed Account
To start off with, I'm pretty unfit. That's an illness right there.

In winter, my lips get stiff then split. I woke up yesterday morning to fit a nice slit right down the middle of my lip.

My rib feels like it has a chain wrapped round it, and every time I move my left arm it feels like someone is yanking that chain, trying to pull it out of my chest.

I love this thread, I'll think of some more eventually.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
May I suggest that you take all your meds but the blue one. It possibly will cure the last ailment on your list. Walk away from the blue magic. :D


Until I stop having 4-hour erections without the need for any medicinal assistance, I won't be resorting to the blue diamond.....NOT!!!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Age 19
Problems: Tore my ACL in my right knee and have never been the same
Sometimes have back problems

  • Very nearsighted, but not "nearly blind" as some asshats like to think.
  • Bad knees. Don't know how I did it, but I was walking to work one day in 2001 and my left knee clicked. Hasn't been the same since.
  • Mood swings. Could be undiagnosed mental issues.
  • Clumsy. I fall up and down the stairs.
  • Bad left ankle. Tore ligaments in it, hated my crutches, probably screwed it up worse.
  • I probably could lose a few pounds to better fit to the standards of womanly beauty the media inflict on us.
There's more, but I think you get the general idea.
age: «computer says: n/a»
diseases: «computer says: too many tired eyes»
addictions: «computer says: too many porn bookmarks»
vicious: «computer says: too many porn cookies»