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Yesterday in New York, and today in Pittsburgh. Guy gets laid off from his job and goes ape shit with a gun.
^I'm not sure that just voting for tax cuts and "freedom" will solve this problem, Facetious. It's probably deeper than that. Although you can try to paint this issue as a Blame Obama or Blame Democrats or Blame Liberals thing, the economy and livelyhood of people didn't start dropping into a shithole on the day Obama was elected or the day he and the Dems took office.
The history of American prosperity can actually be traced to when a Dem was President. Stock market up = Dem President. Stock market down = Republican. Look at the wreckage of the previous 8 are we going to wipe that away if all we do is the same ol' stuff?
I am sure the Republican pundits would love nothing more than putting the latest tragedies on Obama.
It's really the combination of failed Bush policies leading to the current economic crisis and people with guns and nothing left to live for because of job loss or foreclosed homes using those deadly weapons on innocents. But, you can believe what you want to believe.
so by you pov if the economy gets worse or even stays the same, at what point can we start blaming the democrats????
How can you blame someone for merely taking office before any policy they enact bears a single ripe or spoiled fruit?
You blame the politicians for the policies they enact which fail in practice or for inaction when it's clear that appropriate action is necessary.
How can you blame someone for merely taking office before any policy they enact bears a single ripe or spoiled fruit?