Whats up with these shootings?


Closed Account
Yesterday in New York, and today in Pittsburgh. Guy gets laid off from his job and goes ape shit with a gun.

man listen....things are going crazy in the world because of the economy.......i totally see wat your sayin though......WAT THE HELL IS WITH PEOPLE GOING CRAZY!!!!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
People are just impatient and feel like one bad day means that their whole entire world is falling apart. Give those people a gun and people are going to die.
These are unfortunate events but as unfortunate as these situations are my biggest concern is the inevitable exploitation of them from the opponents of firearms to assault 2nd Amendment rights.

No different from the way 9/11 was exploited by GWB and his goons to assault privacy rights and invade a sovereign nation.

Will E Worm

Mind control and target practice. :ak47:

Have you ever noticed how the majority of these people were on prescription drugs?
It's a combination of people realizing the "American Dream," is not attainable by 90% of Americans, too many people care about what J-Lo and Miley Cyrus think than how they will afford college for their children, everyone who owns a home believes they must have "granite countertops, stainless steel appliances" yada yada yada, or they feel that they must own a home because of insecurity....

There is a national feeling of disconnection and uncertainty over life. Too many people are believing their lives are meaningless...


I regret to say that, like the economic downturn, the craziness is just getting started. We're entering into an autocratic form of government.

The trouble is that young people have largely been deprived of the essential U.S. historical education needed in order to identify a governments' going out of bounds. All they seem to know is that bush sucked (which I agree with BTW) and, cool people don't "waste their vote" on lowly "secondary political parties" e.g. Independent, Libertarian etc.
Vote Democrat and only democrat because all of my professors fiercely insist that there will be no harmony unless we get a democratic president elected ! "We need to begin to repair the environment no matter what the cost". "If we have to sacrifice our home, I would hope that my two mommies would acquiesce to the idea that if we don't surrender the home, the earth would eventually become 98 % water mass !":eek: Besides, "rage against the machine demands that that we "fight the power" and vote democrat."

The deeper that we enter into the Obama cavern, the darker, the more challenging and the less dignity. Take away a good man's dignity,a man will usually appeal with letters (to his congressperson) in an attempt to reacquire said dignity, if not, it's flyin' knuckles, flyin' lead, steel or otherwise.

It's too much for some people to take, thinking that, last year at this time a man had his home, his family and his job in tact, in spite of the economic woes going on around him. Today he looses his career, his pension, his healthcare, his wife, his house, his children . . . and those assholes that he had elected are still assembling for their daily gourmet catered hot lunches and are still offering nothing specific about what has happened or what will happen.
So people snap
^I'm not sure that just voting for tax cuts and "freedom" will solve this problem, Facetious. It's probably deeper than that. Although you can try to paint this issue as a Blame Obama or Blame Democrats or Blame Liberals thing, the economy and livelyhood of people didn't start dropping into a shithole on the day Obama was elected or the day he and the Dems took office.

The history of American prosperity can actually be traced to when a Dem was President. Stock market up = Dem President. Stock market down = Republican. Look at the wreckage of the previous 8 years...how are we going to wipe that away if all we do is the same ol' stuff?
I am sure the Republican pundits would love nothing more than putting the latest tragedies on Obama. :rolleyes:

It's really the combination of failed Bush policies leading to the current economic crisis and people with guns and nothing left to live for because of job loss or foreclosed homes using those deadly weapons on innocents. But, you can believe what you want to believe.
^I'm not sure that just voting for tax cuts and "freedom" will solve this problem, Facetious. It's probably deeper than that. Although you can try to paint this issue as a Blame Obama or Blame Democrats or Blame Liberals thing, the economy and livelyhood of people didn't start dropping into a shithole on the day Obama was elected or the day he and the Dems took office.

The history of American prosperity can actually be traced to when a Dem was President. Stock market up = Dem President. Stock market down = Republican. Look at the wreckage of the previous 8 years...how are we going to wipe that away if all we do is the same ol' stuff?

Here's the anatomy of how to destroy an economy and run a country up on the rocks.

Cause the price of oil and the resulting price of gas to skyrocket so high by invading and mismanaging the occupation of an oil producing country that it changes the spending habits of your citizens. When consumers were forced into spending much of their disposable income on gasoline and not much if any on the consumables they would normally buy....the oil industry reaped record profits and almost every other industry started to suck wind. As the profits of businesses in other industries shrink...they have to cut costs (layoffs). Those people who are newly unemployed don't consume and as a result the profits of more businesses shrink then they cut costs until the process becomes self-refueling. In the mean time, the oil industry is sucking up all of the economy's capital and socking it away while everyone else is trying to figure out where their consumers went.

When people don't work or have their household budgets shrink...the first thing they stop paying is payments on unsecured debt...if their situation continues downward, they eventually look for a cheaper place to live and likely default on their mortgages if they have one. This eventually takes a toll on banking institutions...never mind the fact that many of these institutions already have bad loans extended to people who took them out in good faith but didn't read the fine print on their interest only loans and now their monthly payments have increased beyond their ability to repay.

To blame an incoming administration of any stripe for what's happening now is adolescently ignorant of the facts IMO.
Even though people are starting to get off topic, I wonder why someone has to kill like 10 people and then themselves. Why not just kill yourself and be done with it instead of making other people miserable? (cue the angry comments):2 cents:
Because all these idiots believe they're victims and all of their ills are someone else's fault. They want to make "people" pay and a random target killing spree is their chosen way to go out on a serious revenge high before it ends abruptly.


Hiliary 2020
I am sure the Republican pundits would love nothing more than putting the latest tragedies on Obama. :rolleyes:

It's really the combination of failed Bush policies leading to the current economic crisis and people with guns and nothing left to live for because of job loss or foreclosed homes using those deadly weapons on innocents. But, you can believe what you want to believe.

yes you can.
first you talk about republicans will blame democrats, which I don't think will happen............than you go ahead and blame republicans????????????


so by you pov if the economy gets worse or even stays the same, at what point can we start blaming the democrats????

the reality is that theres a shitty situation happening.
out of 600,000,000 million people a few are going ape shit.
its very sad, i think we will agree on that at least.
so by you pov if the economy gets worse or even stays the same, at what point can we start blaming the democrats????

You blame the politicians for the policies they enact which fail in practice or for inaction when it's clear that appropriate action is necessary.

How can you blame someone for merely taking office before any policy they enact bears a single ripe or spoiled fruit?
It's all Obama's fault. Things were going so smoooooothly under Bush, and then Obama had to screw it all up!


Hiliary 2020
You blame the politicians for the policies they enact which fail in practice or for inaction when it's clear that appropriate action is necessary.

How can you blame someone for merely taking office before any policy they enact bears a single ripe or spoiled fruit?

i wasn't blaming anybody.
if you read my post i was responding to someone blaming this on bush.
my only question was if thats the case, and this continues to happen, and it will, when should we start blaming obama?