What's The Latest Bad TV Show You Watched

I had to make this thread because I just watched an hour of FOX television just now and I officially feel behind Pop Culture. :suicide:
For starters I can't even remember the last time I sat down in front of my television and just watched straight TV shows and not movies, DVDs, or the occasional video game. So it was kind of like visiting the dentist, you visit a dentist maybe once a year but never more than one visit.

I watched an animated show called Bob's Burgers and I guess it's supposed to be a comedy but the humor was too smug and smartass for me. And then I watched The Cleveland Show and it's disappointing that there's ANOTHER lazy animated sitcom from Seth MacFarlane with pointless references to 1980's culture and that it has lasted this long. So do people really find this shit funny? Because if they do it makes me sad.


Closed Account
Those Tyler Perry sitcoms are just lousy. I can't sit through watching those programs and it's bad television imo.


Closed Account
The Talk, The Chew, The View. Was at the doctor's waiting room.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i was really bummed when i found out red dwarf was a comedy sitcom the other day. the ones where people laugh for you so you know whats supposed to be funny.

i fucking hate that shit.

as for bobs burgers, it was eh ok. only because im a fan of home movies could i get into it ish.
The presidential inauguration. Politicians are so full of shit it makes me want to puke. And they're telling these stupid ass jokes that reminds me of George Lucas telling a lame joke and all of his nerdy brown-noising employees laugh their asses off.
I had to make this thread because I just watched an hour of FOX television just now and I officially feel behind Pop Culture. :suicide:
For starters I can't even remember the last time I sat down in front of my television and just watched straight TV shows and not movies, DVDs, or the occasional video game. So it was kind of like visiting the dentist, you visit a dentist maybe once a year but never more than one visit.

I watched an animated show called Bob's Burgers and I guess it's supposed to be a comedy but the humor was too smug and smartass for me. And then I watched The Cleveland Show and it's disappointing that there's ANOTHER lazy animated sitcom from Seth MacFarlane with pointless references to 1980's culture and that it has lasted this long. So do people really find this shit funny? Because if they do it makes me sad.

I used to love Family Guy,but I find that everything that Seth MacFarlane has done after,is way too derivative of it.Why does every one of his shows have to have a talking animal?Fucking lame,get a new gimmick.Oh,and the super offensive jokes,and endless pop culture references is way played out.

Those Tyler Perry sitcoms are just lousy. I can't sit through watching those programs and it's bad television imo.
These shows are horrible,and this coming from a black man as well.

American Horror Story. I don't know why I keep watching this shit. I keep expecting it to get better, knowing it won't, but watching anyway...
I sat through the entire first season on Netflix,and the stupidity of the characters was enough for me to not give a heaping shit about season 2,or any other season to follow.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I haven't seen a shitty show lately because I stick to the few great ones that I watch consistently.

I used to be a big Family Guy fan back in the day but I'm stunned that Seth MacFarlane has never been sued. He parodies too many movies,songs,and other pop culture events.
I gotta bunch saved on the DVR that I haven't seen. I think you're right and will delete them. Was never going to watch anyway after the episodes I've already seen.

Well... Jessica Lange (no FreeOnes, not THAT one *sigh*) is really good in it. Problem is that just about everything else is lousy. The writing is uneven, directionless and dissonant. Worse, there's nothing scary about it. It seems more like a badly executed melodrama than a horror story.

I'm kinda stumped by the critics here since the show seems to be getting a fair amount of praise there.
Saw a stupid fucking TV show called Duck Dynasty and it's certainly one of the worst Godforsaken "reality" shows I've ever seen. I only watched the Christmas episode and it was more fake than pro wrestling. I don't think I can convey to you just how much it annoys me when something is presented as reality when it is clearly staged.
American Horror Story. I don't know why I keep watching this shit. I keep expecting it to get better, knowing it won't, but watching anyway...

I gotta bunch saved on the DVR that I haven't seen. I think you're right and will delete them. Was never going to watch anyway after the episodes I've already seen.

Well... Jessica Lange (no FreeOnes, not THAT one *sigh*) is really good in it. Problem is that just about everything else is lousy. The writing is uneven, directionless and dissonant. Worse, there's nothing scary about it. It seems more like a badly executed melodrama than a horror story.

I'm kinda stumped by the critics here since the show seems to be getting a fair amount of praise there.

Um ..... okaaaaay. :wtf:
1) Dino, maybe you should watch more than one episode before blindly following someone else's absurd, obtuse opinion on it. :sheep:
2) Happy, you don't like it simply because it's apparently way over your head. I really love how you threw in all of those high-brow "critic words" to make yourself sound smart -- did you rip them off from some bad movie review? Google up the definitions of those words and you'll see that they certainly DO NOT describe "AHS." In fact, it is the extreme opposite of "uneven, directionless and dissonant." It is one of the best plotted, best paced, best acted and edgy shows on TV.

People bitch and moan about the bevy of shit TV, but then turn around and diss a TV show that actually pushes the intellectual envelope. OK, how about this: People who like smart TV watch "AHS" -- but people who THINK they like smart TV watch "Family Guy." And yeah, "Family Guy" was the last bad TV show I watched (if you count seeing it for about 10 seconds as WATCHING it).

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The cool thing about TiVo is that you can rate shows and give them a thumbsup or a thumbsdown. And then TiVo will develop a list of suggestions that it'll record based on your likes and dislikes. But I think the last TV show/series on commercial/over-air TV that I gave a :thumbsup: to was Lost. So my TiVo unit doesn't usually record any newer shows. Lots of old Star Trek, Stargate, Andy Griffith Show, The Waltons, Miami Vice, Magnum P.I. and other TV shows that have been off the air for 20 years+ though. :)

There are some dramatic shows on basic and premium cable that I like (Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Walking Dead, etc.), but I don't think there are any primetime shows on Fox, ABC, CBS or NBC that I ever watch for more than a few minutes. I watch Downton Abbey on PBS and some other Masterpiece shows. But that's about it. Most everything else is either pathetic rehashes of stuff that I hated the first time, stupid talent shows or reality TV crap with retarded people... who I would only watch if they all died at the end of every episode. :suicide:


Official Checked Star Member
I was channel surfing last night and found something called Long island Medium? I guess she's supposed to be a psychic or something, but it seemed like she failed at a lot of her "readings". Do people really believe people who say they have magic powers like that?
Bob's Burgers is awesome.

Now 1600 Penn is awful. That fat kid is one of the most annoying characters ever and needs to be punched in the stomach. If they cancel Community for this shit I will be very disappointed.