2) Happy, you don't like it simply because it's apparently way over your head. I really love how you threw in all of those high-brow "critic words" to make yourself sound smart -- did you rip them off from some bad movie review? Google up the definitions of those words and you'll see that they certainly DO NOT describe "AHS." In fact, it is the extreme opposite of "uneven, directionless and dissonant." It is one of the best plotted, best paced, best acted and edgy shows on TV.
They're not highbrow "critic words" they're reality. The show, especially the writing, is a shambles.
Look at the last season, it was a mess of plot threads that didn't relate and about three-quarters of which went
We had: (1) space children, (2) the Devil, (3) Nazi experimentation, (4) a serial killer.
The only plot line that had a payoff was the Winters/Thredson one, number (4). And really, that one was pretty decent. Had the season been about four episodes long and edited out all of the extraneous garbage it would have probably been good.
Why were there space aliens? No reason. Why were they impregnating Kit's women? No reason. What did this accomplish? Nothing. Where did this story go? Nowhere.
Why was the Devil there? No reason. What did she do? Nothing really, just showed a vague interest in other story lines. What did this accomplish? Nothing.
Why were Arden's experiments presented? No reason. What did they do? Nothing. What purpose did they serve within the narrative? None. Where did this go? Nowhere.
There was no depth to these story lines just aimless ambiguity. No interesting questions were asked or answered. It was just random, pointless stuff added to pad out the season.