What's The Latest Bad TV Show You Watched

Accidentally cut off Michael Strahan on Canon Drive in Beverly Hills once. He was in a Mercedes convertible with a lady sitting shotgun. I could see him lisping mad in my rear view. He ended up pulling up next to me saying something about "turn thignalths". I asked him what night his sit-com was on. It had been cancelled for some time already.
Pawn Stars

I turned the tv on and couldn't change the channel fast enough. I want those 10 seconds of my life back.
2) Happy, you don't like it simply because it's apparently way over your head. I really love how you threw in all of those high-brow "critic words" to make yourself sound smart -- did you rip them off from some bad movie review? Google up the definitions of those words and you'll see that they certainly DO NOT describe "AHS." In fact, it is the extreme opposite of "uneven, directionless and dissonant." It is one of the best plotted, best paced, best acted and edgy shows on TV.

They're not highbrow "critic words" they're reality. The show, especially the writing, is a shambles.

Look at the last season, it was a mess of plot threads that didn't relate and about three-quarters of which went nowhere.

We had: (1) space children, (2) the Devil, (3) Nazi experimentation, (4) a serial killer.

The only plot line that had a payoff was the Winters/Thredson one, number (4). And really, that one was pretty decent. Had the season been about four episodes long and edited out all of the extraneous garbage it would have probably been good.

Why were there space aliens? No reason. Why were they impregnating Kit's women? No reason. What did this accomplish? Nothing. Where did this story go? Nowhere.

Why was the Devil there? No reason. What did she do? Nothing really, just showed a vague interest in other story lines. What did this accomplish? Nothing.

Why were Arden's experiments presented? No reason. What did they do? Nothing. What purpose did they serve within the narrative? None. Where did this go? Nowhere.

There was no depth to these story lines just aimless ambiguity. No interesting questions were asked or answered. It was just random, pointless stuff added to pad out the season.
Stayed a friend's house for a few hours while grilling steaks and I sat on the coach and watched MTV for the first time in maybe three years. Watched some stupid ass show called Guy Code and it was another one of those lazy reality shows that shamelessly appeals to geek culture with sci-fi and fantasy references and even had a blond chick with huge fake breasts appear and talk about her favorite superheros as if she's even ever read a comic in her life aside from the Sunday newspaper. The hosts really annoyed the fuck out of me too. I hate how these Reality TV hosts act like they're super cool celebrities that're the funniest people that ever lived. They ain't fuckin funny and they're phonies who pretend like they're all such good longtime friends but then they turn to the camera like soulless robots and say shit like: WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK AFTER A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR DON'T GO ANYWHERE BECAUSE THE PARTY IS JUST GETTING STARTED! :facepalm:
Watched two episodes of a crime/cop/detective show called Unforgettable about a detective who literally remembers everything. First, it REALLY fucking annoys me that there is yet ANOTHER crime-police-detective show on TV as if we really need anymore and they just gots to give the main character some stupid ability that's not exactly psychic powers but still renders her useless to actually prevent crimes. Why don't they give her the ability to read minds or shoot blue lightning out of her fingertips since TV detectives just have to have some kind of ability that gives them a chip on their shoulder? Second, Poppy Montgomery is one of the fucking worst actors I've ever seen. It's like her idea of acting is just saying her lines in a specific way and looking beautiful or confused and nothing more. I can't tell you how fucking irritating that really is because it just feels like amateurs trying to be dramatic. Three, the show uses the old fucking cliche of the two lead characters having some sexual tension but NEVER going anywhere with it. So basically every episode they flirt and are slightly at each others throats but then they work together to get through the case or a problem and at the end they might have some champagne on a rooftop at night and start complimenting each other and you think they're going to go in for a kiss but one of them is like: Oh I can't because I'm going to start brooding and we just shouldn't because you know we're too similar or something? I remember watching X-Files from day one all the way to the really bitter end and it was so disappointing how they never satisfied the viewers with the romantic tension between Mulder and Scully.

Other nitpicks:
The police headquarters looks like the inside of the Seattle Space Needle and not an actual office for police work. The fucking retarded music sounds like some third rate wannabee Hans Zimmer score. There are scenes where the music sounds like a child imitating The Dark Knight soundtrack as the police are preparing a sting. You have the racially mixed crime unit with a intelligent and strong black female officer, intelligent Asian male officer who always wears a nice shirt and tie and knows all the logistical bullshit, and the tall white male who is constantly brooding and always has some smartass thing to say about any and everything. Whenever the Asian guy is on camera it looks like a producer literally shoved him in front of the camera just for the sake of having an Asian character to round out the all white cast and he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I can just imagine the producer yelling at him: get in front of that camera and round out the cast! Let's make sure our cast is racially and sexually mixed so we can get the broadest possible audience and let everyone know that it's the vogue thing to do to have a mixed cast.