Yeah i know Nightfly , but it's just that to belgians there are 3 things that are holy. Our beer, our frites (if its spelled that way) and our chocolate. So I felt that it was my duty to raise my voice and give a tribute to belgian beer, and you were correct about the beer per city, only a little bit more, mechelen on it's self (wich isn't a big city) has more than 10 beers. It's just sad that the rest of the world has to miss out on that. and lindemans was spelled correctly, but the cork thing , that's only with bottles of 37.5cl or more, the bottles of 25cl don't have a cork. And did you drink Duvel when you where in belgium cause that's my personal favorite. It's kinda funny to give it to foreiners cause it looks just like a pils but it's 8.5% and so they drink it like regular pils and get very very drunk. And i forgat to say that every beer has it's on special glass to drink it from. So a café with a respectable selection has to have a lot of different glasses.