What Scares You?

I never used to be scared of airplanes when I was younger but I've grown more fearful over time for various reasons.

Oh, I'm also scared of diseases, like AIDS and stuff like that... being a relatively normal human being, I don't like deadly nefarious things that can't be seen.


Center of the fothermucking universe
Barack Obama as president.

For all you folks "afraid" of Barak being president all I would say to you is I'm not afraid if McCain becomes president.Reason is dems will have veto proof majoritys in both houses so Mccain can eitheir go along or get overidden and made irrelevant on the chance he somehow does win the presidency.Theres a saying that goes "President proposes,congress disposes" which means they have the ultimate power over almost everything when there are enough of them to overide presidents and there vetos.So cheer up all those nasty democrate things like conservation ,tax cuts for the middle class and some slight increases on the taxes for the over $250,000 a years crowd are coming as well as a new foreign policy of diplomacy which I think even McCain would go along with once he gets in office.All thats easier with Barak as president but coming eithier way.:thumbsup:
I also have a fear of sand (most irrational fear ever?) LOL

Could well be :1orglaugh

And you mean regular beach sand, right?
Not like quicksand, which is damn scary.

I suppose I shouldn't laugh, though. After all, fear is fear and it ain't no fun.

But seriously, sand???

Heights yeh, but not sure how high, speaking in public like a speech sorta thing. Burns. STD's umm alota things that I could say here. Just cant think of right now.
Religious fanatics.
I live in the middle of what's known in the US as "the bible belt"...and it's scary (bordering on sick) how vehement some of the people around here are when it comes to religion and politics. Especially both. :eek:

I'm also non too fond of spiders.
I'm terrified of my girlfriend getting hurt/raped. It's a shitty thing to be scared of, but I went through it once and I can't handle it again!! It's especially hard when she's so far away from me.

I am afraid of this very thing, lucky I have not had it become a reality, or I would be in a prison or a pine box.
the way this sick horrible world is turnin an the fact that the peado cunt gary glitter is comin back to my country permenant fingers crossed he has a miss foutune an dies