What Scares You?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I only got scared 3 times, happened every time my wife said she was pregnant ...

I sure hope I'll not be scared 4 times ... :facepalm:
Stupid, lazy people breeding like rabbits, sucking up our resources and giving nothing back except crass, dehumanizing behavior and violence to the rest of us. That scares me more than anything... I weep for humanity. :facepalm:
I didn't know this until now, but the sound of low flying planes scares me. :facepalm: I'm laying on my couch with the balcony door open and I swear a plane flew within 5 feet of my apartment. Fuckin' scary, man.
I just discovered last night that I'm just a teensy bit, um, not exactly scared of, but uncomfortable with spiders. I realized this when I was having a dream where there were tarantulas bigger than my open hand that were tearing holes in the screen door and trying to get to me. I didn't feel panic, just uncomfortable. The funny thing is that my uncle used to have a pet tarantula that I used to let walk on my hand and up my arm when I was a kid, and I never once felt uneasy in the least. The things you find out when you get older. :1orglaugh