Ohhh?? Well it's good to hear that you are willing. Shall we pro-
What? Really? Hmmmmm....too impure you say?! Say whaaat?! He did WHAT to a possum?! Okay okay, but he's going to be disappointed. Okay...okay then....Listen, I gotta go.....i gotta-yeah for sure we'll talk later....okay, bye.
*ahem*....Uh sorry BB but my god has decided put off your blood orgy indefinitely. He um...didn't tell me why but I guess you're off the hook.:wave2:
Fine! Fuck your god!
You know what I'm going to do!? Huh!?! Just to smite your silly piss ant of a god, I'm going to take a whole bunch of acid, sit in the bath tub and play with my transformers.
So yeah! Fuck it! This is gonna be so much more fun than that shit.
I hope whoever you choose has AIDS and you all die, slowly.