I'm a solipsist; I am God. Bow to me.
how can we bow to you if we don't exist?
I'm a solipsist; I am God. Bow to me.
we're all sinners when we come to this board anyway so does it really matter?
how can we bow to you if we don't exist?i'm thinking about founding my own religion...seems like it could be fun
Depends which definition we're thinking of;so in reality you bowed to yourself then?
Doesn't it irk you that within 12 months I will be your brother in Orthodoxy?Serbian Orthodox.
Depends which definition we're thinking of;
In definition one I am God, so YOU bowed to me.
In definition two I am the only existant sentient being, so yes, in a sense, I bowed to myself.
Doesn't it irk you that within 12 months I will be your brother in Orthodoxy?
Can I call you mr Hopovac? :tongue:
Ah you're joining our club?
I am indeed - I must marry an Orthodox girl. You're not dissapointed?
I am of no religion. I am still searching and studying maybe one day I'll find one or decide I am not a believer at all of any. Only time will tell.
Is she Russian Orthodox?
Why would I be disappointed?:dunno: